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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Plenty of ball room.
  2. Pignetti's Italian restaurant (currently in Temple) is opening a Waco location sometime next spring/early summer. https://wacotrib.com/business/local/pignettis-italian-to-open-in-former-phoenix-ballroom-in-downtown-waco/article_88d211c6-fad5-11eb-859e-a796cf26f5e0.html
  3. They shared maternity duty with the other hospital in town, I think they may have alternated days. Then in the 70's they came to a gentleman's agreement with the Catholics and so the Baptists became the baby hospital and the Catholics became the heart hospital. Then a decade or so later the gloves came off, the Baptists got into the heart game so the Catholics got back into babies. It's been an arms race for quite a while.
  4. @DougO nice batch. I saw that Belton had a rodeo in the last couple of weeks and had meant to let you know. Seems like an opportunity maybe to sell something if those people have any publications that buy. I've noticed a change in the birds in my yard over the last month, not so many cardinals, jays or dove. Mostly it's just the normal collection of sparrows though I am hearing some new sounds in the trees but haven't seen the sources yet. Looking forward to something interesting migrating thru soon.
  5. Oedipus got down with the thickness.
  6. Tech scored 17 points off of turnovers and won by 17. I think I've identified the problem here, Houston.
  7. BriScoe BRand Throne Egg, it splatters when it matters. Farm fresh from Pampa'd chiken.
  8. My cousin and I were needing something to eat and we both live in the area so we agreed on giving this place a try and I trusted him to get the food. He showed up at my house with some ground beef tacos. I'll have to give it a real try. For any Texas Exes in town - Waco Chapter Annual Banquet, honoring Derrick Johnson is this coming Thursday Sept. 9th from 6-9pm at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame on University Parks Dr.
  9. It's spellbinding football. Mesmerizing.
  10. That's good. I used Dr Tim's, I think it's ammonium nitrate, along with a starter bottle of bacteria. I'd dose and test daily. It took a while to get going and your local water supply will have some bearing on how long it takes to cycle. It is somewhat dependent on the pH and perhaps even the hardness of the water. Mine took right at 5 weeks but when it was done it was DONE. There were a few times early on when I thought "Can it be? Done already??". You'll get some funky readings because you might catch the bacteria feeding heavily but then they'll kind of go dormant. But at the end I could does the hell out of it and they'd burn thru 4ppm overnight and there was absolutely no doubt at all that it was ready. Oh, and a word of caution maybe? This may just be my own poorly informed opinion but when it comes to water conditioner there is a very popular brand, Seachem "Prime", and it's good stuff normally but you do NOT want to use it when you're doing a fishless cycle on a tank. Mainly because it will bind to ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and give wacky readings and retard the process. It does this in case you want to do "fish-in" cycling, it does what it does to protect the fish. But when you're intentionally introducing ammonia you don't want something binding it up. For that I use API Tap Water Conditioner. It just locks up the chlorine and chloramines in your tap water and nothing else. Somebody can correct me if I'm lying here, I'm far from a seasoned veteran of the aquarium game.
  11. Eh, it was disappointing. Got there probably 15 minutes too late for good light and my mind's eye had lied to me about the condition of the building. It's pretty much just a pile of rubble. Still plan on going back, I think maybe with a telephoto and some time, there might be a good detail shot to be had.
  12. Shaggy approves.
  13. It's already about 3/4 done. Basically a 4 story pile of rubble with 2 sides down and 2 still full height I think. Going in a bit and hoping to catch a good angle with the setting sun. It's up on a hill so unless it clouds over it should have good light. ETA - I'm just taking my 50mm, if I get there and figure something else would work better I can always go back ,for a little while longer anyway.
  14. City's 100 year old hospital is being demolished. Rode by there earlier today and now I have to take a picture. Wish me luck.
  15. Only thing I'll add is, if you have the patience to do it I recommend cycling your tank before ever adding any livestock. I've done it both ways and yes, it is boring as hell but 1) It does teach you water chemistry and 2)Fish won't die, generally speaking.
  16. You said Utah twice.
  17. Wear safety goggles.
  18. whynotboth.jpg
  19. Came to practice with weed but didn't have enough for everyone.
  20. In 1901, the American inventor King Camp Gillette, with the assistance of William Nickerson, submitted a patent of a new variation of safety razor with disposable blades which was patented in 1904. ... Gillette realized that a profit could be made by selling an inexpensive razor with disposable blades. Sucker born every minute.
  21. I think realistically there were going to be unaccounted for Americans no matter what. I probably stated that poorly but I think/hope you know what I meant. Say you've got a list of names and then oh, we've got a new name to add etc..ad infinitum. As it is we do have some diplomatic relations with Tally and can pursue that angle officially and backdoor channels as well. If we didn't make the 31st? I don't know. Prolly a coin toss as to what was the "right" thing to do.
  22. Remember how when they were fighting the Ruskies and we were supplying the Afghanis with TOW rockets and a bunch of people were afraid then that those rockets were going to end up in the wrong hands and back on American soil to shoot down our airliners? I do.
  23. Eh, evac orders need to be issued with some restraint otherwise you get the Rita experience. As long as loss of life was not extremely high it's probably just as well to wait and see the storm path and damage and then relocate those folks that need it. Maybe plan ahead for places to temporarily relocate them? Idk, that seems like the best role for gubmint to play.
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