That's good. I used Dr Tim's, I think it's ammonium nitrate, along with a starter bottle of bacteria. I'd dose and test daily. It took a while to get going and your local water supply will have some bearing on how long it takes to cycle. It is somewhat dependent on the pH and perhaps even the hardness of the water. Mine took right at 5 weeks but when it was done it was DONE. There were a few times early on when I thought "Can it be? Done already??". You'll get some funky readings because you might catch the bacteria feeding heavily but then they'll kind of go dormant. But at the end I could does the hell out of it and they'd burn thru 4ppm overnight and there was absolutely no doubt at all that it was ready.
Oh, and a word of caution maybe? This may just be my own poorly informed opinion but when it comes to water conditioner there is a very popular brand, Seachem "Prime", and it's good stuff normally but you do NOT want to use it when you're doing a fishless cycle on a tank. Mainly because it will bind to ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and give wacky readings and retard the process. It does this in case you want to do "fish-in" cycling, it does what it does to protect the fish. But when you're intentionally introducing ammonia you don't want something binding it up. For that I use API Tap Water Conditioner. It just locks up the chlorine and chloramines in your tap water and nothing else. Somebody can correct me if I'm lying here, I'm far from a seasoned veteran of the aquarium game.