Know the feeling. Had season tickets, a rented tailgate spot for the season, all the toys that proper tailgating requires and yeah, at some point getting blotto overtook the alleged reason I was there. I say alleged because in my case with sobriety came a diminished interest in the gameday experience. At first that just took the form of watching on tv at home but last year (and COVID may have hastened this) I could count on one hand the number of games I watched and probably none completely or with rapt interest. I've spent my day so far working in the yard and if I had not been listening to the local ESPN radio affiliate would not have realized it was week 0. My how the times have changed and no disrespect to cfb but I'm a helluva lot more productive now without that investment I once made in kids playing tackleball.
Enjoy the games, enjoy not having to check scoreboard the next day for results.