I've kept up with them since before the hurricane nearly killed their business. Turrble bad luck they've had. Read a lot of Charles' blog posts and exchanged messages with his wife on FB a few times. Hope they can eventually rebound, he was doing good things for the hobby in general.
I got moved. Did remove the substrate, didn't want to stress the seams on my tank and it was an opportunity to deep clean the gravel. Move went fairly well. I saved the aquarium for the last and reserved an entire day for the cross town move. Had water ready and waiting at the new place and I think I only lost one little fish, found one belly up in the tank the next day. Tank was running on life support for a couple of weeks - no substrate, no plants, just a bare glass box with filtration and heaters. Gravel, rocks, wood, plants are all back in and now (of course) making a few minor changes. I'll post a pic in a week or two once I'm done.
Narrator - He's never done.