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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Yeah, it's a white wing, I was making a little play on words there. I tried a sort of bird bath but they just didn't seem interested in it. I made a square bowl of sorts out of bricks on top of this beastly smoker I have in the yard. Lined it with a trash bag so it held water. I'd refill it daily but never saw any action. No water source out there so no way to make it drip. I plan to have some hummingbird feeders and/or flowers to attract them. Not sure just when but it's definitely something I want to do.
  2. I've been in the new house a couple of months now and have yet to see a mocking bird. Hell, I don't think I've even seen a grackle. Lots of sparrows/finches, , cardinals and dove. It's something at least. Morning dove.
  3. Maybe he's just resting. Enjoy the long offseason, Coach.
  4. I knew they were there.
  5. I'd watch "Night Court" just to see her talents displayed.
  6. Politicians getting involved? What could go wrong? Which does make me wonder how the BX?? would have turned out without the politics that got Tech and Baylor into the conference in the first place. Gobless GILF Richards. Conference prolly would have died years ago if it had just been 10 teams to start with. Or Baylor and Tech would have gotten invites to come from the WAC in 2011? Don't know. I like to ponder these things.
  7. I was on a merchant marine ship for 2 of my 4 years. Military Sealift Command operates quite a few non-combatant supply ships, crewed primarily by civilians with a detachment of squids for communications. One of the oilers, might have been the Waccamaw, had a fire erupt in the engine room while they were doing a refueling with one of the carriers. Emergency breakaway, errbody hauls ass a couple miles away then radio back to the limping ship "hey, you guys gonna need any help?" Didn't nobody want to get near the flaming fuel ship.
  8. Those 7 little words every sailor dreads - "as the needs of the Navy require". Honestly though unless he went in as a ready mariner, i.e., without any schooling guaranteed, he was a dumbass to begin with. I had a guy whose brother went BUDs and washed out. They sent him to the school he'd signed up for initially and then once he'd completed that they sent him on to our ship to be stationed with his brother. Had another guy shows up straight out of school, he thinks he's going to strike for another rate that he'd like better. Hahahaha... no dumbass, the Navy didn't just spend the money for your school only to turn around and let you do something else. He said the recruiter signed him up for what was needed and told him "oh, once you get to your ship youll be able to get into something else". Dumbasses.
  9. Is KU football any worse than Rutgers? A lot of stuff has been said over the last week or two so I may have misheard this but seems like someone threw out that KU was 3rd in the league in total revenue. Of course they have a good PPV deal and a loyal bball fanbase but I think a network would take notice of that and they're the ones driving the bus in all of this.
  10. You were supposed to back in.
  11. Roofies for Rhinos.
  12. I spent 5 years in NC as an active alkie. Yeah, "state" stores. Had to drive near out of the county to the only one within prolly 50 miles. We was wayy out in the sticks. It was easier to find white likker made in someone's garage.
  13. New place also has this smoker in the backyard. Iron insides are shot/rusted to nothing, much of the mortar would need to be replaced if anyone wanted to use it for its designed purpose and since I have no need to have the ability to smoke 60+ lbs of meat I'm thinking of just making it into a feature of some sort. Not sure just what though. It sits under a mature pecan tree and only gets direct light for maybe 2 hours a day. Like you see here in the morning and then again on the opposite side late in the day. And that's here during the height of the summer. One of the ideas I'm mulling over is making a giant planter of some sort out of it. Maybe take the cap off the chimney and grow an ivy there and let it spill down the smoker. Or use the large flat surface of the firebox to hold a bird bath bowl. Not interested in going to the expense of doing any wiring or plumbing for a running water feature. I don't know and that's why I'm here. Look at this beast and give me some ideas.
  14. Thanks. What I've seen so far are not particularly large. Former home owner left the tags on the bushes, I'll pull them off and see exactly what varieties I have.
  15. House I moved to has a few neglected rose bushes out front. They've put on some pretty raggedy blooms and I think they are worth saving. Being that it's roses I'm certain the intertrons are full of instructions on how to raise 'mazing roses but I like to ask Surly these things so... Can someone give me the 4 or 5 things I need to know? I'm guessing leave them alone until winter and just let them do their thing? Does removing the blooms affect the plant generating more blooms? Is that a good thing? Pruning? Food? Transplanting to a new location to be avoided? Learn me on roses in a few words. Gracias!
  16. I've kept up with them since before the hurricane nearly killed their business. Turrble bad luck they've had. Read a lot of Charles' blog posts and exchanged messages with his wife on FB a few times. Hope they can eventually rebound, he was doing good things for the hobby in general. I got moved. Did remove the substrate, didn't want to stress the seams on my tank and it was an opportunity to deep clean the gravel. Move went fairly well. I saved the aquarium for the last and reserved an entire day for the cross town move. Had water ready and waiting at the new place and I think I only lost one little fish, found one belly up in the tank the next day. Tank was running on life support for a couple of weeks - no substrate, no plants, just a bare glass box with filtration and heaters. Gravel, rocks, wood, plants are all back in and now (of course) making a few minor changes. I'll post a pic in a week or two once I'm done. Narrator - He's never done.
  17. From my uncle's funeral. WWII vet, 98 years of kicking ass.
  18. Perryman is a Baylor grad and absolute loon who gets called on by the locals to make shit up anytime there's something going on that may impact the Baylor/Waco economy. Ignore the fool.
  19. Lots of Miley Cyrus.
  20. I had a package show up at the house, something I didn't order. My name and address on the box but it was from some company I'd never even heard of. After I dove into the mystery I figured out the label got messed up and they had stuck a new label on it with my info. Which means I have a package out there somewhere that had a messed up label and it got sent to the wrong person too. Anyway, I FB stalked the person whose name was on the enclosed packing list.
  21. I think somehow the Fucked 8 regroup, add a couple of schools and soldier on for a little while. FOX needs inventory and while it doesn't have a lot of value the conference could provide some of that inventory. I doubt it would keep a seat at any big boy table but with expanded playoffs looming it might do for a decade or so. No telling what the landscape will look like then. Errbody just going to have to tighten their belts and do a reality check.
  22. Base looks pretty much like it did when I left it in '83. Blue jay came back, hoping he's getting more comfortable with me around. A really sickly looking dove.
  23. Playing around with the birds in the backyard and bluejays are a pita for me. Only time I see them is at first and last light. FINALLY sort of caught one today.
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