El Diablo here with the hot off the presses Coast-to-Coast AM take. They've been all over this story for some time now as you might well imagine. Night before last the show was hosted by Connie Willis, a science fiction writer and not a kook, she simply panders to them. Her guest was Dan Willis (no relation) and his specialty is disclosure by the government over the past few decades, or more accurately the lack of disclosure. His task on this evening was to construct a timeline detailing governmental knowledge of aliens and the subsequent suppression of that knowledge to the public. He was the kook for this episode.
I was mildly interested when I heard the topic as it was presented in rather bland terms but not long into it he spoke of the Nazi's and their interactions with the alien lizard people in 1934 from whom Germany obtained anti-gravity/net zero power technologies. He then discussed Admiral Byrd going to Antarctica with a fleet of ships to challenge the Nazi's who had established a base there and how that fleet was completely destroyed without Byrd's forces inflicting any damage on the Germans. He lost me at Eisenhower boarding a saucer at an airbase in Ohio to sign a surrender to the aliens. C'mon, those lizard people in Ohio aren't aliens, those are the residents. Anyway, from that point on we've been under the control of various alien races. They secretly run our planet and only a select few have access to them and the true power structure (the Bilderberg clan). Presidents, Directors of the CIA, etc... have all tried to gain access to these secrets to no avail. Our only hope is to partner with the more benevolent aliens who wish to help humans depart this planet and migrate out into the universe.
True story.