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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. I'm curious about the dates of those images. The first one could be due to a matter of perspective, that is it is a view of a life boat/dinghy viewed from the stern. If the rest are literal interpretations of the first picture I could see how the later drawings became distorted. No way to know without knowing the dates though.
  2. So they just slipped images of UFO's into their artwork and that was crafty enough to keep 'em from being stoned to death? Sly artist bastards. I have to wonder, did UFO's only appear to artists?
  3. Are these toilets where the air is poisonous in the slums of Calcutta? In 60 years of living I don't know that I've ever heard of anyone who could say "I got sick from going to the bathroom at X".
  4. System isn't taking crimes OFF the books. Give it time, you'll be guilty.
  5. Has anyone blamed the influx of illegals? They're stealing our joules!!
  6. Only thing missing from that name is an honorific.
  7. Figures it was one of the LA roller derby crowd after another loss to the Bay Bombers.
  8. As long as they don't get rid of the show [s]girls[/s] people I'm good with it.
  9. Yeah, on that deal if the mods had wanted to be cunts and get involved they could have just stripped him of most of his rep and let the wolves finish him off.
  10. She knows this and still entered politics. Balls the size of her forehead.
  11. I'm sort of in this camp too. Maybe start with a puppy or a betta fish and see how that goes for a few years before doing a human.
  12. It's a new home with mature trees. I'll be watching the sun's progression the rest of the summer and fall to see just what I have to work with. Thanks again.
  13. Thanks for the feedback @Mrs Whiggins . The article I linked makes me think I should probably do a little of both an annual and a perennial. I'm leaning more to the shadier spot just because it would look better there if done successfully. I may try some morning glory there still this summer and see what that does and then be thinking about adding something perennial that likes shade. Will need to do some research on that.
  14. Looking for suggestions on a vining climber, preferably something with some blooms. Maybe morning glory? Trumpet vine? Grapes? Deal is, I have a section of chain link fence, a fairly large gate actually. I'm thinking it could be used as a trellis but only if whatever I plant can pretty much obscure the gate. Thoughts? Two places I could set the gate, one with full sun and one mostly shade. EDIT: Found a really good article on this subject - https://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/1306 Any suggestions specific to Central Texas would be appreciated.
  15. Their spaceships were much slower and clunkier then but posed nicely.
  16. Maybe aliens were so common that nobody bothered to comment on the presence of UFO's in the artwork of the day. There were pretty good writers then too, somebody should have said something.
  17. And according to the artists, what was the subject in each of these?
  18. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. A prejudiced interpretation made by people who live in the age of manned flight. And I've never read Zeke's book but does it mention the fumbles?
  19. I'd like to know of any literary references to UFO's and aliens since the Renaissance period. Seems like people have been pretty good at reporting and recording daily events since around then. Maybe before then but just as a starting point that would be fine. My thought is that almost all of it has occurred since the beginning of manned flight. Ancient aliens can fall into that time frame too, I'm guessing the theories of and stories of ancient aliens including interpretations of ambiguous stories from antiquity all date from after manned flight.
  20. I hope like hell they at least interviewed some of the citizenry who claim to have been abducted. National security policy should provide for some defense from tentacle bufu. It is only by studying these cases that we can gain insight into their thuggery, muggery and buggery. The nocturnal #6 must stop!!
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