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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Why would a craft capable of crossing vast reaches of space in the blink of an eye need lights? So many reports of UFO's involve seeing lights, at night. What the fuck is that about, they come here all the way from Nibiru with interdimensional galactic butt sex on the brain and need turn signals? I'm sorry but I'm calling BS on anything with running lights being extraterrestrial.
  2. Yes, no space debris has ever just fallen out of the sky and impacted the earth, only UFOs during a time when many considered the earth to be a flat disc. Funny how with Lazar the only physical evidence ever is in the hands of the US government and nobody else anywhere. Uri Geller has some spoons he'd like to sell you.
  3. You familiar with the flat earthers and how they came into existence? I was in the Navy and it wouldn't surprise me even one tiny bit to find out that a small group pulled this stunt thru electronic wizardry. Not everyone has to be in on the joke, they just have to repeat it as gospel truth.
  4. 2 hours, 15 minutes? At least do a brother a solid and give the timestamp where they start talking about doing the freaky with some blue alien babe.
  5. Nobody wanted to visit us until we had airships. Oh, I know, ancient aliens blah, blah, blah. Seriously though, where were all these aliens until we had things that could be mistaken for them?
  6. Jaguar was powerful Pre-Columbian spirit animal. Could hit a curve ball.
  7. Yeah, it's FW, community tank, bunch of livebearers mostly. Just trying to decide now if I want to attempt to keep the substrate "alive" or not. Seems like it would die pretty quickly and I think I'm probably going to start removing it pretty soon. Just hate killing off all that bacteria. Tank is plenty filtered though and that's really the only thing I'm concerned about keeping alive, the bacteria in the canister filter.
  8. Spiral staircase salesmen, opportunity knocks.
  9. Coast-to-Coast AM had Matthew Roberts on over the weekend. He was on the USS Roosevelt in some intelligence capacity during the 2015 "Gimbal" incident. His life got very strange after that. Nix that, "strange" is an understatement. I think the dude lost his fucking mind but that's just my take. His story is googleable. Best part was when he was forced to have sex with a female blue alien. This shit is going to bring out every crazy ever.
  10. Did you take the substrate out before attempting to round up the livestock? I'm thinking having a bare bottom might make that task easier.
  11. Buzzing about NCAA finally handing down a decision on the Briles years.
  12. Going to be moving in the next month and that means tearing down the 55. It's a freshwater planted tank. Any suggestions on how best to do this? I think my biggest problems are going to be getting the substrate out (thinking I should get it out ahead of time and go bare bottom for a short while) and then also rounding up all of the critters. Lots of little fishes - Endler's guppies galore. I've been consolidating the 20 gallon tank into this one because I don't feel like having two active tanks to move when it does happen.
  13. Be checking the "Post A Picture You Took" thread.
  14. Yeah, I'm not a drinker these days but have an annual pass to the zoo. Best on a weekday when it's just the MILFs pushing strollers.
  15. Drink beer, save turtles. Friday at 5:30 at Cameron Park Zoo. Open to the public. Brotherwell Brewing. Alcohol and wild animals. Zoo critters too.
  16. There was a street art thing this past weekend, local artists covered 3 blocks of Austin avenue with chalk art. Street was closed Saturday and Sunday, cones put up around the art to keep folks from walking on it, vendors aplenty blah blah. Heavy rains yesterday plus a couple days of traffic on top of the artwork. Providing context because it's pretty much just a snapshot without it. Probably still is even with context, lol. So temporary street art with Hippodrome theatre built in 1914. Some sort of juxtaposition of the temporary and the permanent blah, blah. An excuse to get out with camera at night pretty much. And like a lot of what I'm still doing is more research than anything.
  17. I'd get the Chinese kid loaded with MSG with my luck.
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