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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Anyone in the Temple area might find this cool. @DougO not sure if this is up your photographic alley or not. https://www.kwtx.com/2021/04/08/60-plane-formation-flying-team-will-land-in-central-texas-this-weekend/
  2. "Reading" audio book "Post Office" by Charles Bukowski. I've read a lot of his poetry but never any novels. It's alright, certainly not high brow literature.
  3. Had 1st Moderna shot a week or so ago, arm was just slightly sore at injection for a day or two but unless I bumped it into something I didn't even notice. 2nd dose on the last day of this month.
  4. Mitchell proved himself on the court for Baylor at the college level, I hope he can do the same for whatever NBA team lands him at the next step in his career.
  5. Here's a good recap of some of his many sins as a recruiter. What a horrible human being, lol. His handling of Lace was probably the worst thing he's done publicly and was not something I approved of. Coaches get paid well to win and the decisions they make to that aim are sometimes regrettable. Maybe it was completely out of character that Lace punched his baby mama so hard he broke her jaw and maybe Drew thought Lace needed a 2nd chance. Maybe Drew just wanted to win bball games at any cost. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between. https://www.espn.com/dallas/ncb/columns/story?columnist=caplan_jeff&id=4979714
  6. There's some good coaches in the BXII who got to test that theory and for the most part they came up short. Baylor worked teams in multiple ways this year and did it without a really good big. What they did was not fluke, they'd done it to good competition all year. Something the Zags cannot say.
  7. They also played KU and WVU in their OOC schedule and won both. I think the WVU game was maybe early to mid December, KU was prior to that even and frankly I'm not sure what games at that point in a season will reveal about a team. And don't discredit that ACU team, yes they're a rabbit but a rabbit with a mean streak a mile wide.
  8. I think what I saw in Gonzaga was a team that was not conditioned mentally or physically by a high end, rough and tumble conference schedule. Baylor benefits from playing in the BXII and Coach Few can't replicate that. Congrats Bears, congrats Coach Drew! Sic 'em!
  9. Haha, I'm sorry sir, you'll need to take your bulldogs out of the building. It's not safe for them in here.
  10. Yesterday. Small, local wildflower park. They were everywhere, walking right past the signs asking that they stay on the trails.
  11. Rick is a good one. Died young-ish.
  12. Seeing Scott Drew in the NC game kinda makes me wonder about others that made it to the game. One hit wonders or able to repeat or get close to that opportunity. Might have to pull up the teams that have played in the NC game for the last 20 years or so just to see who pops up.
  13. Just got a passing shot of this guy yesterday.
  14. The "rodeo" hold, instead of 8 secs it's 8 minutes. Will need judges (courtroom humor).
  15. Even though they're now 5 games deep into this tournament I'm still wondering if not having played a competitive schedule has covered up any deficiencies in the Zags game. Guess I won't have to wait long to find out.
  16. 12 pts, 11 assists, zero turnovers. Had a good day.
  17. He and Bill Walton reading selections from Bukowski.
  18. Didn't hear it but I'm guessing he said Miley sucks ass.
  19. Selma Bouvier concert? Weird.
  20. Houston has a problem.
  21. Sister Jean okay?
  22. Sister Jean okay?
  23. It's VIP or nothing.
  24. Hell, just as a casual fan I thought maybe they'd gotten their shit together at the end of the season and might make some waves. Then they fucked around and found out.
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