The Base, the new expo center at Extraco Events Center, is scheduled to open next month with the farm, ranch and garden show. I'll be interested to see what sort of events they can attract. It's a nice addition to the complex there and a nice replacement for the old fine arts/exhibits building. I'm oddly curious to see what the acoustics will be like inside. Starting price for a day's rental is supposed to be $5,000 which isn't bad imo.
Also the Waco gem and mineral club will be having their 62nd show at the convention center on May 1st and 2nd. My neighbor, a disabled 'Nam vet, started buying rocks a couple of years ago to learn how to cut and polish. Built his own equipment from scratch and was plugging away in a makeshift shop on his patio until he found the local club and started to use their equipment. I'm hoping he has a booth this year, his stuff is getting better and he needs the money! His metal working has been improving and he's been steady selling to friends and family.