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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. El Diablo

    Getting old sucks

    What are you doing up at this hour?
  2. A friend and I took a road trip in the fall of '81 from Norfolk. VA to Bar Harbor, ME. Lots of abandoned boats up Maine way, masted ships of all sorts. Been sitting out there for a long, long time. Sort of mournful. Oh the stories they could tell.
  3. proximity to pussy get him curious?
  4. Yeah, I'm strictly a desktop user. I'm not even sure I know what this "footer" is, miss the floating "top of page" arrow.
  5. Fedora got blown away?
  6. it helps a little bit but the environment just has no real contrast. Dirt's brown, walls are beige, horses and cattle are usually some variant of those. B&W can't help that. I missed the "good" events with the rough stock yesterday due to having to work. fml. One or two shows like that a year where I can get in with my camera and lenses and nope, you got to WORK, son.
  7. No shit, Chigurh knocks it out of the park. Again.
  8. On that shot did you use any masks or just tweak the highlights and shadows of the entire image?
  9. @Patricio Swayze did the interior shot thru the doorway towards the window require much in post processing to even out the exposure or were you just able to get it in camera that way? Nice work, regardless.
  10. Yee-haw. ETA: Shot at 10K ISO, 1/1000s f4 with the f2.8 Nikon 180mm that @DougO loaned me a year and a half or so ago. I found a vantage point down on the floor of the arena that I had not previously discovered but all the action was at the other end of the arena. The long focal length + crop sensor +modern ISO is the only way this shot happens in available light, at least for me. I think I'll just have to learn to embrace the ugliness. I was talking to one of the pros who shoots these things regularly and they told me there's an arena in Katy that has modern LED lighting and uses a light-ish gray dirt that kicks some light back up. Really makes a difference they said and the shots from there aren't just all some variety of shades of brown.
  11. Happy New Year, shutter fucks! I started 2021 off right by formatting a card with a shit load of pics that I hadn't transferred to my hard drive yet so I'm super pumped!! Did it while "organizing" my stuff, which makes it sting that much more. Oh well, lesson learned. My DAM process has been lacking anyway so that's one of my new year's resolutions - get into a flow and stick with it. 2nd resolution is to make more photos and take less pictures. 3rd photo resolution is to continue to play with the post processing aspect of things. For me it's a wholly separate function and I need to change that, so that it becomes part of a plan. Hoping that I'll progress enough this year to where when I'm making a photo I'll be keeping in mind what exactly it may need in post. One can dream, right? As it is right now I'm just taking a shitload of pics, skimming thru them later, identifying ones that look aight and then doing some ham handed tweaking. So, with that said here's my last tweak from 2020. Bamboo forest, Cameron Park.
  12. Sunset buzzard strut.
  13. Low key fun, now with more bokeh.
  14. It's a damn shame we can't trust these guys. Do wish Clark could have recovered from his injury, such potential that guy had. Maybe Jerruh Jones will give him a shot at making the Cowboy's roster.
  15. Baylor beats Arkansas Pine Bluff 99-42. Wooooo!!! We had a 40 point lead at the half, looks like the guys were coasting the 2nd half. Need to fix that shit.
  16. My boss will be retiring on Wednesday so this hits close to home. 43 years I think they've had here. I went with "Good for them, I'll miss 'em".
  17. Went and shot buzzards again. Light was great the last hour or so but the birds just went cooperating.
  18. Man, when it comes to aquatic plants there's about a million varieties of everything. My water did not like anacharis it would just languish and then wither then fade away. I discovered Brazilian pennywort and that has become my floater of choice. It does well in my particular water with no additional work and that's the kind of plants I like. The only ferts I use are Thrive all in one and I amend my water with Equilibrium, mostly for the livebearers but the plants like it too. Just stick with your light schedule and keep the power down. It'll clear up eventually. Maybe not ever completely but it'll be under control at least. I still have a persistent coarse hair algae. There would be no actually ever getting rid of it without starting over and I'm not going to do that. My tank is pretty "natural" I guess in that way. Places where fish live usually have some algae so I'm okay with it to a point.
  19. When she starts doing podcasts recapping ATX CC activity will she call it "Around The Horn"?
  20. Supposedly Thomas filmed it and has been blackmailing them ever since for free helicopter rides and free booze. This is why Navy suddenly can't beat Army, the curse o' the lump.
  21. We met yesterday at a yard sale.
  22. I don't know what happened exactly but I'll just say that a man's ass is his to do with as he pleases. Braid your anal hair, shove a refrigerator up there, bleach it, tattoo a baby bird pulling a worm out of it, idgaf. But there are rules - pics or gtfo.
  23. Friend just got off the phone with a contact in Tibet. He was told that there won't be any Urban Meyer but on your deathbed you will receive total consciousness. So we've got that going for us, which is nice. A little something for the effort, ya know? Gunga galunga.
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