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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Put up the Christmas lights yesterday so figured I'd get some use out of them tonight. Used a very light blue gel on the flash, downloaded a snow layer and voila! Greeting cards!
  2. Yeah, I don't know who's going to be taking his minutes. I guess there was some expectation that he would be close to 100% and that had some part in the high pre-season ranking but he never did come back last year to what he was like before the injury. Was a hell of a player when healthy and was just really getting good at the college game when he got hurt. March Madness could have been so much fun this year.
  3. Ward was just a filthy, nasty, brutish, dirty motherfucker. The kind you want playing on your team.
  4. Joe Bob Briggs kept me sane when all the world around me was going crazy. Buddy of mine would clip Briggs' drive-in movie reviews and mail 'em to me when I was in the Navy. Felt a little bit like I was home.
  5. Funny nobody mentioned that it's sitting out there playing music.
  6. Gal I was dating said her 4 y/o son had the runs and called it "poop juice".
  7. Bandana, sock, Kleenex, whatever. I don't think it matters much where you blow your load with the 'Rona.
  8. An incumbent AND a challenger! Beating yourself is often the real battle in life.
  9. Probably has super mom things to do. Week of Thanksgiving, meals to prep, making reservations for family members and their pets, grocery shopping, helping the kid study, the gym, etc... super mom stuff. She's a family first type.
  10. El Diablo

    Turk-Sat 1

    I've been known to emit some space debris on Thanksgiving, so, close to home and all that.
  11. It was alright but speed up the slideshow and play Benny Hill theme.
  12. I think the inverse square law is your friend here if you have a way to just raise the light. With some thought it can be done in a way that is visually pleasing.
  13. Oregon ranked top 10 seems a bit odd since they've only played 3 games and just got by UCLA at home by 3. Maybe there's a cheerleader hotness factor that is used in the rankings but even then I'd need to see this years talent to know if I agree with the assessment.
  14. Took the old gal out to the park today, a sort of proof of concept trip. It was getting late already and I didn't bother to try and really get a good exposure/match the ambient. I just wanted to tote her, the flashes, couple stands etc... and see how much of a pain in the ass it would be. Wind did blow my umbrella over once but I had that coming, didn't weight the stand as soon as I opened the fucker up and yep, that happened. Got it folded back up but it's not exactly pristine anymore. All the gear fit in my sling bag and one gym bag. It's a bit much but not undoable at all. I thought she'd enjoy the fresh air but nope, not impressed at all. McKayla Maroney got nothing on her for snobbery.
  15. It's your light, just about guarantee it. Cut it back to 50% of its full power and 3 hours a day. No need to change anything else, just give it a month or two. If anything is still hanging on at that point then you may have something you need to address with other measures but that's where I'd start. I haven't been in the hobby long but I've had plants all along and for the first year I had crazy algae. Turns out it was just too damn much light. now the lights come on in the late afternoon (basically just before I get off work) and are off by 8 and at reduced power. No issues and trust me, the fish do just fine without the bright light all day. The room is not dark but only has filtered indirect sunlight. Algae gone. You did all the right things to kick the algae's ass and knock it down but I would bet that unless and until you cut back on the light you're going to continue to have problems and probably would have had the same issue even if you had been home. I don't think it's any coincidence that this happened after getting a "better" light. Been there, done that (I think). Good luck man, my planted tanks are pretty and really, really easy now that I don't over do the light.
  16. Newton, north side of Wichita. We haven't talked about the 'Rona lately, I do know that when the rest of the country was heating up they were still without a single case. BIL is a retired hospital exec there and will know what the numbers are in their locale. I'll pick his brain.
  17. Yeah, my sister (who does not photograph well) is coming from Kansas this weekend and a brother coming from Houston next weekend, both want to go out to eat while they're here. Not a fan of that idea.
  18. Jimmy Carter made them real popular what with the 55mph federal highway speed limit and the world still running at 70mph. Had one in my 1970 Ford Maverick. Handle was "Disco Duck" 'cause that was the hit novelty tune and I could do the Donald Duck voice. Yep. A cold beer, the cb radio, a Gene Tracy truck stop or Jerry Clower tape... yep. Saturday night in paradise.
  19. Get the DJ Rev Kathy to spin some discs for a soundtrack and make it a musical reunion, "Shit On Blast 2: Electoral Boogaloo"
  20. He deserves better than Kelly, she'll be leading him around on a leash like some poor dog.
  21. Dibs on "Subterranean Liar" as a band name. First album? Sea Scooter Segway.
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