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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Fuck the dumb bastards, don't nobody want MY identity any damn way.
  2. Dogs in airports are stealing my luggage.
  3. I think I like the one with color better, but just barely. It works either way really. Tried my hand at panning again this weekend. Didn't start off that way, just got frustrated with the lighting in the fucking place and figured what the hell. Barrel racer on the home stretch, 1/80s, ISO 400, f1.8 85mm.
  4. I snapped my picture at the zoo here in Waco. They are in a small enclosure with a couple of Dik-Dik's. Bird is bigger than they are, lol.
  5. All about control. Who can grow, how much they can grow, price support etc.... That control is ingrained into the tobacco industry. Hell I don't think a person can even BUY tobacco seed, you have to buy seedlings if you grow.
  6. Yeah, seeing that drum set still in there is odd. I mean, who ever heard of a drummer who didn't have a gig to go to?
  7. I downloaded "The Electric Koolaid Acid Tests" audio book. The reader does it like a piece of performance art, which for the subject matter is fantastic. It does get a bit tedious at times, you sort of wish you could come down but can't, but for the most part it works for me.
  8. New MNC (Medical National Champions) up on the wall - Aggy ?? - COVID 19. WHOOP!!
  9. Wish there were. Needs to be printed and mailed to various media outlets along with the timeline someone put together that recapped all of her shenanigans. My personal "favorite" is the blue body paint pic. Her in all of her glory.
  10. Downloaded The Dog Stars last night, I figured a good global pandemic survivor novel is appropriate reading now.
  11. Looks like she's got Jesus with her so she should be alright.
  12. Lady I was to have a meeting with texted me earlier that she had to cancel suddenly, her son had to have emergency testicular torsion surgery. Had to google that one. Ouch. Guess he got his panties in a wad.
  13. Dohknow. Noticed that and also noticed Rage -1 and Rage +1 for the first time today too.
  14. Relax, Maynard. But it's not like he showed up at Tech and nobody had ever heard of him or the stories circulating among the high school ranks about his character. That said, coaches look the other way and find ways to insulate themselves, plausible deniability is a requisite component of the job. He is poison though and anyone that would throw his name out as a candidate other than Mt Vernon is not doing any favors for any institution they truly value. We agree whole heartedly on that.
  15. He's already worn those colors. I think it was when you were so proud of Tech.
  16. Went back to the park with the intent of getting a better panning shot. Speed limit is 25 so that's what I had to work with. Not really disappointed but the arcing swing in the pan is pretty obvious. I tried to use the onscreen grid to guide me but still couldn't get it really smooth. I was doing it handheld so I might give the tripod a shot if I decide to try again. Also this stretch of the roadway stays in the shade so a bit washed out. f6.3, ISO 400, 1/40s . Anyway, some random dude on a bike.
  17. Someone upthread mentioned Jack Reacher novels. I'd never heard of them so had to google and that got me to thinking about some men's action novels we passed around when I was in the Navy. No, no, wait, nothing like that. I meant Mack Bolan books, "The Executioner" series. So I downloaded the first 3, plowed thru those, then the next 3 and then the 3 after that. These are audio books all done by the same crew, very much like listening to a radio program. Most all were written around 1970 and set in that time so much is quite dated but some of the author's views of the future are a bit prescient. Most recent thing I can think of him mentioning was the growing role the media plays in everyday lives. I say give one a try if you're looking for a few hours of macho escapism.
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