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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Contituancy. I don't know what that is but she says she's going to engage it. Camwhore code word?
  2. Nice pics. I use a dinosaur phone but one of my brothers has a fairly new Samsung and he says that it has a RAW file capability of some sort, in addition to having some control over the exposure. Phones can definitely take very nice photos and the subject matter (Lost Creek) absolutely helps.
  3. Not posting a picture I took, a couple of lighting nerds created this one. They're the guests on Cornicello's conversation yesterday.
  4. Always on? It should cycle on and off around the target temp. Check the temp every 2 hours with a digital thermometer for a while and chart that. What are you using to check the temp?
  5. One other thought I had, you said that you are keeping the tank at 82 deg. Is that the temp setting on the heater or is that an observed temperature? Asking because it's really hard to maintain a constant temp in 2 gallons of water with most heaters. They'll let the water cool to maybe 76 before they cut on and then heat it to 85 before they cut off. That's a fairly significant swing for a tropical fish. I use cheap ass Zacro digital thermometers to monitor temps. They can be off by a bit, maybe half a degree from another thermometer, but they're close enough to gauge when something's not right.
  6. Thanks. Yeah, getting some crowd reaction makes for a better picture. The most difficult part for me is finding a balance between shutter speed and ISO. Hard to do indoors.
  7. This is one I took back in January. Ran across it this morning and tweaked it a bit, I kind of like rodeo photos in b&w. Now that things are starting to open up a bit I'm hoping that there will be more events like this one. Looking at what I shot then I have a better idea of how to maybe take better pics next time.
  8. I kind of doubt that nitrates are an issue since the fish can breathe atmospheric oxygen but just letting the tank simmer for a while with something in it to stimulate some bacteria might help to stabilize the environment. I started with Betta's years ago and even I didn't have the bad luck you're having and I was doing nothing different from what you've described. The first few I didn't even have a heater and they survived for a year or more. I think I finally froze them during the summer by having the temp cranked way down on the AC. Maybe the next fish don't feed him for the first week. I go on vacation and my fish don't get fed, they don't die from it. At least by starting out with no food being added you'll eliminate that as a possible source of your initial troubles. I feed my Bettas a pellet food, no more than 4-6 of the tiny pellets a day.
  9. So, are the titters open? Asking for every male I know.
  10. Dedicated oral Degenerate. Specialist guild with oversight by one Dr. R. Stoops.
  11. My advice would be to "cycle" the tank before buying a new fish. Takes about 5 weeks for me, you mileage may vary depending on your source water. Dr Tim's ammonium chloride is what I use. What has your water temperature been? Is it constant?
  12. Eh, I don't even know what "cheating" is anymore. Paying the guys seems to pretty much be an acknowledged reality at this point and outside of that I guess there's some bullshit NCAA violations on recruiting possibly but fuck those people in their goat ass.
  13. My apologies, my intent was not clear. I just meant to imply via sarcasm that the character of the players was not squeaky clean. Turning a blind eye and/or institutionalized plausible deniability is character revealed. Large programs don't need to cheat.
  14. Ohio State was probably just an anomaly. Gators were squeaky clean.
  15. I've seen this movie before. Boca Chica gonna get a #6.
  16. Paternal g-pa was born in 1866 somewhere around Evant, TX. G-ma was born in Missouri but was raised in part by some relative of the family who was a travelling bible salesman and riverboat gambler. She lived for a while in the Indian territory of Oklahoma with the natives. So, my dad was the 10th child of these two up and coming sharecroppers and was raised with their morals, social graces and understanding of how to behave. He then passed these on to me, a child of the 1960's and the 5th child in the brood. There was conflict.
  17. Seeing his name got me curious as to what might be available in my audio library and I found an early novel of his, "The Modigliani Scandal". Written in '78 I think. Light fare, an entertaining mystery of a girl on the hunt for a lost painting and the shenanigans that go on among artists, art collectors and art dealers.
  18. Cowboys (OK State variety though Dallas may fit this too...) should be a good matchup. Bears and them have both been up and down and now have a common opponent in KU who they beat in similar fashion. Baylor's coaching staff is still a bit of a head scratcher to me. Aranda? Okay, guess he earned his shot and if you've listened to him much he checks all the boxes that Art didn't. But the rest of the guys seem like a list of coaches who all had their names thrown around at one time or another as the next up and comer but then never went much beyond that. Island of Misfit Corches. Hard to imagine Baylor hitting 3 home runs in 3 at bats.
  19. He died on my birthday in 1990 so 3 years later I returned the favor and got married on his birthday.
  20. I think the WVU nose tackle is an alien. Definitely not human. Baylor looked like Fitlumps snatch today, were gifted 4 turnovers, sporadic help from the refs and still couldn't make anything of it. Aranda needs to go.
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