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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. I think Top Fin markets a water conditioner specifically targeted at Bettas. I'm pretty sure that's what I used for years until I used it all up, now I have Prime and the API stuff. Prime will lock up ammonia which you don't want if you're trying to cycle a tank using pure ammonia but it's good for new tanks with fish.
  2. Pretty sure I saw Thermoplastic Tamales on 6th back in the day.
  3. Finally finished the Harrigan book on the Alamo. Not complaining really, the story was good but goddamit if one of the primary (though fictional) characters was a completely unredeemed loser. The Alamo battle narrative had some twists that are debatable depending on which historian you ask but the author addressed those in an addendum and the ending was never in doubt so some alternative activity was not really a distraction. I enjoyed it enough that I've started another Harrigan book, "Remember Ben Clayton". Story really hasn't got a grip on me yet and is a bit hard to decipher where it's headed. Also the reader is nowhere near as good as with the Alamo which was read by Harrigan himself. Oh well, I'll struggle on a bit further and hopefully there will be a payoff.
  4. I've got some skills. You need anyone tempted? I do tempting.
  5. Knew a Dead Head chick 30 years ago that was acid based and would ram a probe up your ass. Nothing new in the universe.
  6. Baylor inked a deal to play Houston this year at McLane stadium in Wacko. They're calling it an "extra game" which I guess as far as scheduling goes it does qualify. https://www.kwtx.com/2020/09/13/baylor-football-adds-extra-game-to-season/
  7. She's getting campaign finance planning advice from an underpants gnome. I'm sure of it.
  8. The Aqueon Pro is a good heater, I have them in everything from 10W to 150W. They're adjustable and dependable in my experience. I would avoid any "pre-set" heater or one that does not allow you to adjust it. You're looking for a temp consistently in the upper 70's. Sounds like you already have a thermometer? The stick on strip types that change color are pretty worthless, I use digital LCDs, I think they're $7 or so on Amazon for a pack of two. Good luck! There's a learning curve on this hobby and fish die from noobs as often as not. One thing that can create immediate stress on a fish is not only the temperature but the water itself. if you and the store are on the same municipal water system then that's prolly not an issue but if you live miles away and are on well water or some other supply there's a good chance that the change in basic water chemistry could doom the little guy.
  9. Any of you guys ever mess with filters? Neutral density, polarizing, color etc... ?
  10. El Diablo

    Getting old sucks

    Going in on Monday to get the first shingles shot. Or shongles shit. Whatever, see nurses.
  11. Know how I know you've never spent months at a time on a ship?
  12. How do you have a gender reveal party for a kid who hasn't even declared which team they're on?
  13. It will not surprise me in the least if they, in typical Waco fashion, attempt to place a square building there.
  14. Yeah, had a buddy text me that day to let me know. My reply, "There's a big ol' helping of nanner puddin' waitin' on him at that big buffet in the sky". In unrelated news the round bank, aka American Bank, at the corner of Lake Shore Drive and I-35 is being torn down this week. Makes me wonder how folks will find the Luby's restaurant now, the bank building was the landmark that you would exit at.
  15. Supposed to start the season now on Sept. 26th vs KU in Waco I think.
  16. Are you then of the opinion such that you would expect a smaller base to have more deaths? My post spoke to one specific aspect of your post, not something that you imagine it did. Jeezus.
  17. It's the largest military installation in the free world so not surprising that they have "the most".
  18. Finished the essays and started a novel by Harrigan, "The Gates Of The Alamo". Very Michener-like. Fictional characters plopped down into an historical event with a good number of lesser characters for flavor. Turns out that reading Harrigan's essays first was a good idea as some of the facts from those essays surface again to provide detail in this novel. Having immersed myself in McMurtry for the better part of this summer this leap further back into Texas' history seems to be sinking in a little more just as far as paying attention to and appreciating the generally harsh living conditions and society in general as well as a better understanding of the politics that were leading up to our eventual independence. I'm just about halfway thru now, with Travis occupying the Alamo and Bowie and some volunteers occupying San Antonio and Santa Ana and his men suffering thru a long arduous march to the outskirts of the town. The Alamo is being fortified and the Mexican army fearing a possible trap and/or ambush has decided that rather than rush an attack on the Texians they will wait until the full army can be assembled before starting a proper assault.
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