There's a photographer in the PNW, John Cornicello, who has been hosting video conversations with other professionals, both photographers and others with strong ties to photography, since the COVID lockdown has impacted his portrait business so much. Usually it's himself, his guest and then 8 or so other pros as the audience. They're about an hour long and unless they're throwing up images of their work they're sort of podcast like. The conversations though are fantastic, listening to a bunch of highly accomplished individuals share their lives and work stories. He does these twice a week and just started doing them I think in late May so not a bunch on file just yet but I think it may become a thing, at least until the pandemic eases up some. I've listened to Bambi Cantrell, Rick Sammons, Jeff Dunas, a couple of models nobody has ever heard of. Just really fascinating, open and honest discussions, a great source of inspiration.