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Everything posted by 911isajoke

  1. This team is averageness incarnate. This team isn't shit. You can see it in the lineup. They're scrappy sometimes, that's it.
  2. Also eliminate Trump and then add Hillary and Obama and CNN and AOC and then it's a bengazzi burger again! Fuck you, the report is substantial and damning or THEY'D RELEASE IT.
  3. You must admire Trump's commitment to CRAZY huh. So your sarcasm is fucking horseshit. Change your dumb name to Todd.
  5. Go ride your dirtbike around the suburbs, "Kyle".
  6. Fake news story my ass. Cover UP X A BILLION. You're a rw Trump tard with a stupid suburban white boy name.
  7. I have a Government degree from UT. You're an embarrassment to my diploma. Also you've literally said nothing EVER on this board but shitty hackass pro Trump guff. Lockstep with the pipebomber et al. I thought you were some kind of independent. Bullllllllshit. You're the worst fuck on the net. William Shatner, who is an ass clown himself, should sue you.
  8. I fucking LOVE Obamacare . It has saved my life. If it is repealed i should kill the guy who does that in self defense. If he can kill a guy on 5th Avenue, I can kill a guy trying to kill a guy on my avenue. Stand my ground right! Because I feel threatened. Mar-alago is in Florida.
  9. Change your avatar you drunk nihilist honkey.
  10. As in on Trump's Twitter feed, you ass crack! He puts all his crimes and craziness on blast there. So you probably won't be voting for him. Lying dumbfuck.
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