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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. I am not a card carrying Democrat but I like the fact Biden will probably lead the country in the opposite direction of whatever fundigelical horseshit Wulaw is in favor of.
  2. George is simple and has bad takes. Junior seems mildly autistic. Gordon is still good but his above it all both sides more intellectual than thou act gets stale. Norm is boring. Dan and Jake is the best show on the ticket right now. Bob and Corby still work in the context of WTDS and I am done with the ticket for the day after that is over because new hardline is terrible. Cirque and Work in Progress are solid weekend programming.
  3. Killer Joe rules. You'll never look at "K Fry C" or whatever the hell they called it the same ever again! Watched The Falcon and the Snowman. Definitely a relic of its time both in terms of subject matter and the overall aesthetic but worth watching.
  4. I keep thinking that eventually Netflix will get chewed up by the fact every studio will have their own streaming service at some point and I keep getting proven wrong.
  5. From Texags. Hey, guys! Maybe the real Q was the friends we made along the way!
  6. I'm sure tons of great businessmen lose money in the casino business.
  7. Is The Storm coming or nah?
  8. Am I misunderstanding you here? Spotlight won.
  9. Sorry everybody I left a copy of my mixtape by the Capitol.
  10. Austin Pets Alive might be able to help you out with some of this: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/resources/pet-help/rehome
  11. I'm right there with you on Amores Perros and I love Bunuel if you count him as a Mexican.
  12. Yeah... I remember it more or less turning into "If you do not have this movie's cock jammed down you're throat then you're a simpleton!"
  13. All hail Vista Way! In other news, it looks like the pandemic is giving Disney a golden opportunity to get rid of shit they've wanted to get rid of/drastically change for awhile; --Disney Magical Express is getting shitcanned, probably because the expense to Disney isn't worthwhile since having that no longer creates a captive audience thanks to Uber etc.. --Disneyland annual passes. Apparently the California parks were overrun by annual pass holders.
  14. The Revenant is one of the most overrated movies of all time.
  15. True Crime - My Dark Places by James Ellroy Sports - The Boys of Summer by Roger Kahn History - The Cold War by John Lewis Gaddis
  16. OK... If this broad was so inclined, she could probably walk into any bar and arrange to have a train run on her on the pool table inside of 10 minutes. Why get with some kid who probably has no idea how to please a woman?
  17. Revisited Hereditary. It's very well done and I noticed a few things I missed the first time I saw it, mainly
  18. 1. Buy Trump's debt to Rudy for pennies on the dollar. 2. Market receivables to Q acolytes and other assorted MAGA shitheads as "Trump Bucks" or "TRUMPCOIN" and sell it to them at a markup that would make Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman say "WHOA GUYS YOU ARE GETTING CARRIED AWAY AND THE FREE MARKET HAS TO HAVE SOME KIND OF LIMITS" 3. Buy Mars or some other planet and terraform it with the proceeds.
  19. Marshall Applewhite, please pick up the white courtesy phone.
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