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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Why? Because Trump is beside the point and these people just want to be mouthy assholes so they'll go to DC and raise hell anyway.
  2. I think there is something wrong with my hearing because when announcer referred to Dier as Tottenham's central defender I heard it as "Tottenham's sexual offender."
  3. If this is true then why can't I lick my balls? Science has failed us.
  4. Hey you stop talking bad about National Tamale Day you son of a bitch.
  5. Having a fever is Not Good and having full blown AIDS is also Not Good so they are therefore exactly the same amount of Not Good.
  6. Somebody tell the pile of dead first graders at Sandy Hook who the REAL victims are!
  7. Bonus points if the name of the place is just "Donut"
  8. Did he do something specific just now or are you just talking about him being seditious in a general sort of way?
  9. We are in deep shit but not letting them continue to openly plan insurrection via Parler is a fucking outrage, right?
  11. Speaking of idiots we haven't heard of in awhile, whatever became of our pal TJHooker?
  12. Let's storm the Capitol and attempt to kidnap and execute political figures because we are big mad about the election (NO POLITICS, PLEASE)
  13. A Ship to India. Minor Bergman. Skip it.
  14. I would LOVE to know how many Q believers we have here on ol' Surly.
  15. Hmmm... I have called Goebbels Barbie MUCH worse on there and gotten away with it.
  16. You can probably go on Twitter right now and say "[insert whatever politician here] is a stupid fucking asshole and I hate him!" and your account will stay up. If you go on there and call for violent insurrection against the US government it probably won't. If you can't see the difference between those two things and consider the fact you can't do the second one "being silenced" then I can't help you.
  17. If the Apple store doesn't leave up the app where people are planning violence the people on the app might plan violence!
  18. Hey Tom! Trump got the banhammer from twitter and I doubt they gave him a purgatory version of Twitter to continue bleating in. You have it better than the president right now. What a country!
  19. Biden could stoke and they'd still just knit vagina hats and yell at the sky.
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