Let's try to think critically here. For example, let's say that we toss all white men out of power and we are freed from Louie Gohmert. Which is more likely?
1. Wendy Davis moves to TX-01 and gets elected
2. The Texas GOP finds a non-white male that is just as just as repugnant as Gohmert and gets that person elected because it's east TX and the person has (R) by their name.
The problem is that assholes like Gohmert are what a huge portion of our electorate wants and, given the way the districts are drawn right now, they're going to get them regardless of what race/sex they are. East Texas is still going to do East Texas things. Throwing yourself prostrate on the ground and shrieking "OMG WHITE MEN ARE SOOOOOOOO BAD I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY!" isn't going to solve that problem and doesn't accomplish anything other than looking woke on Surly.
Edited to add: The House election in the (R) leaning North Dallas-area district I live in featured two female candidates. One ran on a pretty progressive platform. The other one ran on a platform of "My opponent is a socialist who wants to put all police officers in front of a firing squad and then march you down to the county courthouse at gunpoint and force you to gay marry Obama." Guess who won!