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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Where did the rightwing doofuses pick up the phrase "gain of function"? They're spouting it like a six year old who learned a new curse word lately.
  2. Everyone stop for a second and appreciate the fact that the person who wrote this graduated from law school at some point.
  3. The virus came from somewhere in China, be it from a wet market or a lab. We need to figure out what happened and try to keep it from happening again. The experience with the virus in the US was made worse by the fact we had a president who thought you could cure it by injecting bleach and shoving a UV light up your ass. We need to keep that from happening again as well. These are not mutually exclusive.
  4. Yeah the guy who said "Hell yes we'll take your guns" or whatever is totally going to win a statewide election in Texas.
  5. Hey you are totally ignoring that girl's empowerment.
  6. Per my understanding of this bill, a business owner has to verbally tell people they can't carry guns into their business and can't just post a sign. Why is my right to say what happens in a business that I own superseded by limpdicks like Armybrat and Johnny Sack who are so afraid of life they have to carry a gun with them everywhere they go? Edited to add: This is what was in the initial bill. If I'm factually incorrect and this didn't make it into what Abbott signed, by all means please let me know.
  7. Dammit. There's a happy medium between "OMG HOLY SHIT WE ARE PULLING EVERYONE OUT RIGHT THIS SECOND WITH NO PLAN!" and staying forever and bombing shit. Figure out a way to fold up the tents in an orderly fashion and gtfo.
  8. That was some bullshit.
  9. If you think the Surly attorney collective has a high amount of self-regard, Deloitte employees say "Hold my beer."
  10. Dallas Freeze vs. Ft. Worth Fire games were the shit.
  12. Hints From Heloise is the only advice column I recognize.
  13. It's Surly. What did you expect??
  14. Bred Delp says "Sure! Why not?"
  15. I'm not sure how many people I'd kill for them to dump an HEB in there but it is more than zero.
  16. They announced they're pulling the plug today. RIP, Anthem!
  17. I will donate $3.50 for it .
  18. Oh wait if Drew likes those movies they probably fucking suck.
  19. I watched First Blood last night. I'll make it into the 90s blockbusters I missed at some point.
  20. I have not seen Con Air, The Rock, or Armageddon.
  21. I laughed when I saw the "Strangulation! has replied!" pop up while skimming this thread.
  22. Think of how much happier you'd be if you left all the boards on Surly!
  23. Good grief the regular triple fake tiger is bad enough. Does that dork that calls in every week hang up, fist pump, and think "Nailed it again!!"?
  24. How about they just hurry the fuck up with D4 and concentrate on not having a dogshit launch like D3 did.
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