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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Holy shit "It's not like I'm running for office" has to be one of the best long game self owns of all time.
  2. There was a thread on TOS called "8 days to new boobs" or somesuch where she posted pics of her old tits and her new tits.
  3. Edward G. Robinson is the TCM Star of the Month. Little Caesar now. Key Largo and Bullets or Ballots on deck later.
  4. I'm sure the people in her district need to see those pics of her tits she posted on Shaggy in order to cast an informed vote.
  5. If he has it and kicks the bucket does the GOP talking point become "We have to nuke China for killing Trump with their Democrat hoax"?
  6. Fuck the gym right now. Spend a few hundred bucks on kettlebells and skip that shit for a few more months.
  7. Are we still debating the 100 percent not political topic of nurses who went to New York City paying New York City taxes on wages earned while in New York City?
  8. I guess I am alone in thinking Big Sleep > THaHN > Key Largo > Dark Passage as far as Bogart/Bacall collaborations go. I celebrated Star Wars Day by watching George Lucas' failed franchise starter Willow. Swing and a miss.
  9. I'm at the point where I'd prefer that we just say fuck it and go no holds barred open rather than go through the charade that we're following any kind of methodology here. I don't think it will go well but at this point why bother pretending we're being careful in Texas?
  10. Based on everything I've read there is nothing stopping you from going and doing pretty much whatever the hell you want without a mask on. Why not just do it if you want to do it? If you know in your heart it is the right thing to do then why concern yourself with the approval of others? I'm not being sarcastic. If you want to do it why not just do it?
  11. If you want to go get your hair cut and go to Applebee's for some extreme fajitas get on with your bad self. Why do I need to be there too?
  12. Those DIS Q2 results are ug-ly considering the shit didn't really hit the fan until mid-late March.
  13. I got back in on 102 May 19 and 95 Jun 19 at the high today so it will probably skyrocket based purely on good Disney+ numbers since good things matter and bad things like 1/3 of your revenue generation sitting on the sidelines for the better part of a quarter are #pricedin.
  14. I second pretty much everything mentioned here so far. Haven't seen Burning recommended yet. It's on Prime Video.
  15. I'm at a point where I want everything to go back to normal except being in the office because working from home kicks ass. Citrix makes all things possible and there's nothing I can't do from home that I can do at the office except get sideeye from Karens for skipping the monthly birthday celebration.
  16. This really doesn't inspire joy joy feelings in me.
  17. Well what you apparently don't understand is that if you just say "We shouldn't be doing it" without saying "Well, it really tells us nothing but..." first then you can't continue to exist in some nebulous reality were there is no such thing as objective truth and continue to portray yourself as being above the fray.
  18. Revisited Raiders of the Lost Ark. So damn good.
  19. Let me know when we shove a park ranger into a lake for trying to enforce social distancing.
  20. Reconsider Lounge tribute bands haven't been funny in a long time for the most part and L4G hasn't made them any better.
  21. Those Extreme Fajitas taste like FREEDOM you fucking sheeple.
  22. Yes. Negotiate with them and encourage people to overrun the state house with guns every time they're pissed about something! That's a great idea.
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