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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Yeah.. I am not used to this. 99.9999999% of what I do with my f around stuff outside of my 401k/Roth I have set exit points for.
  2. This is one of those times like when he talks about Chinese money flowing into our treasury from tariffs where I like to play the "Does he really not understand how that works or is he just lying?" game
  3. I'm sure all the people who get canned when their overleveraged companies go tits up will shrug their shoulders and say "Oh well. Good for the consumer!"
  4. The Apr 17 110 Disney puts I bought last week briefly spiked to $19 this morning but unfortunately I was unable to get a trade to execute at that price.
  5. It's not an analogy about Nero. It's some bullshit Q Anon thing where they think mass arrests and military tribunals of "deep state operatives" are about to get rolling.
  6. A man will refer to his dick, or his rod, or his Johnson County.
  7. Haven't these children suffered enough already?
  8. I bet there's about 6 million Jews who would love to be able to be inconvenienced by having to move.
  9. You two need to just dock and get it over with.
  10. You can get to Vegas for cheap https://cheapdfw.com/nonstop-flights-dallas-to-from-las-vegas-87-r-t-american-airlines/
  11. Who are you going to believe. Him or your lying ears?
  12. Right but now you're going to have random middle class Trumptard cube drones out there thinking "IT'S JUST A MILD CASE OF COORONAVARRUS. TRUMP SAID SO. I AIN'T NO LIBTARD FAGGOT. IM GOING IN!"
  13. Not that BT needs me to white knight for him but I don't recall seeing him post anything about minority disenfranchisement costing Bernie anything. Maybe he just *gasp* wants everybody who wants to vote to be able to vote without spending 3+ hours on it because it's the right way to do things?
  14. Biden taking Dallas County proper and Sanders strong in Colin/Denton/Tarrant was really surprising. I would have had those flipped.
  15. I suppose you've missed the videos of Trump's brain short circuiting during speeches that show up in the Trump thread on a not infrequent basis.
  16. Dallas County coming in slow as fuck. Get the lead out.
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