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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. Just max out your credit card buying one and pay it off with the settlement money.
  2. Don't waste your time trying to reason with him. Just point and laugh.
  3. If we could harness the energy from Slorch's apparently infinite supply of self righteousness and misplaced butthurt we could tear down every single power plant in the United States.
  4. They own something like 45% of US box office and a slew of TV networks. Of course they're going to find themselves in the middle of this shit on a regular basis.
  5. Celestial Beerworks Your Place In Space. IPA w/ comet, Idaho 7, and El Dorado. A bit too melon-ish for me but not bad.
  6. Good to have a few beers to get your mind off of your frostbitten ballsack
  7. Odd Muse Brewing Company Mochanut. Imperial stout with coffee, coconut and cacao nibs. Quite tasty.
  8. EXTERIOR - TATOOINE- DAYTME GINA CARANO: "Commander, I will kill this filthy migrant Jawa caravan to protect our freedoms and Jesus!"
  9. Jesus... Enough with the "How to get out of a skid" talk.
  10. Wait... They actually burned a segment telling people everything is OK?
  11. Dragged Across Concrete was pretty good.
  12. Disney is biased in favor of money. This is the same company that pretty much wrote what's-her-face out of the third Star Wars sequel movie and said "Please do not be mad. Look everyone... The Emperor is back!" after a huge swath of fans were all "Eww gross too many minorities and women in my Star Wars!"
  13. This is the same company that completely sidelined the Asian gal from the second movie in the sequel trilogy in the next movie because of fans bitching. Disney knows what side their bread is buttered on.
  14. For the most part I do not give a fuck what any of these people say because I separate the art from the artist. James Woods is a total fuckhead but Videodrome is still a pretty kickass movie. Having said that if Disney or whoever decide that somebody is a threat to their bottom line then they're well within their rights to shitcan them. This isn't that hard.
  15. The broads I know bitch regardless of what the schools wind up doing.
  16. Wild Ride Ministries: South Austin's Mom, Pastor.
  17. I suppose that is one way to KeEp PoLiTiCs OuT oF sPoRtS.
  18. While we're exploring the Pranks For Likes Gone Bad genre, my favorite is "Man pretends to hit on someone's girlfriend and catches Wario's hands"
  19. I took Canecutter's mention of dressing up like The Cure to be a reference to the Ben Folds Five song "Battle for Who Could Care Less." Did I go about things the wrong way?
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