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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. We live in a post-satire world.
  2. Sirois put Gordo's Corner to good use with the animals vs humans hypothetical.
  3. She's faking it.
  4. There was that one guy on the old site who tried to get everyone to buy gold from him and invest in his "competition style BBQ" food truck.
  5. Cosign on the Al Biernat's happy hour.
  6. Goodnight Mommy. Boring and the big twist is apparent about 5 minutes in.
  7. Hi everyone please come see my new metal band Cancer and Wolf at The Backroom on Riverside.
  8. I was in junior high at the time but I remember that dude losing 10 points in the polls every time he opened his mouth.
  9. I always take my political advice from people who haven't been registered to vote for almost 40 years.
  10. Megadeth on July 18. I should consider going to see a band that was big this century at some point.
  11. Goddamn it's going to be hard for the players to breathe with two incredibly self important attorneys sucking all the oxygen out of the arena tomorrow night.
  12. Saw The Lodge last night. Movie critics love tagging any horror movie that isn't Saw torture porn or a Paranormal Activity jump scare fest as "the next great horror movie.". The Lodge isn't The Next Great Horror Movie but it's thoroughly adequate.
  13. OK... I know we all hate Just Asking Questions Guy but who is Andrew C Laufer, Esq and why should I believe anything he says?
  14. Is this a group that helps women after they've been blasted in the face by Joe Mixon?
  15. How long until one of the Barking Carnival writers seizes on the opportunity presented by #carnivalbarkingclown to write a 10,000 word piece on the Trump administration that has about 300 very labored pop culture references shoehorned into it and somehow manages not to mention Trump at all?
  16. Billy Joel can work that into his We Didn't Start the Fire reboot.
  17. Not everybody's the perfect person in the world. I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever. I think that people need a second chance.
  18. I enjoyed Logan Lucky and he had a small part in Inside Llewyn Davis that cracked me up. Marriage Story was not my cup of tea but I wouldn't say it's a bad movie and Driver does good work there too.
  19. And is that Meat Loaf or just some really ugly bitch sitting behind the Stars bench?
  20. Power play back to looking like hammered shit?
  21. I figured the Baked Alaska endorsement would have gotten him over the top.
  22. I voted for Dole in 1996. I had an Ayn Rand phase that lasted waaaaaaaaay too long. I used to both sides so hard that I made Anastasis look like a piker.
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