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Continental Op

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Continental Op

  1. I'm sure we'll see some hyperventilating about how those gay dogs are a threat to America's family values.
  2. Outside of live sports, TCM is the only reason to have cable/satellite.
  3. I have no idea what to make of this run up. It's happening on weak volume and there's nothing other than the earnings call coming up driving it as far as I can tell. I'm sitting on a 250% gain on my calls and am really tempted to take my ball and go home at this point.
  4. DonkeyCigars has picked up the mantle of TahoeHorn's dumbass aw shucks conservatism.
  5. Well I mean AOC touting a policy position is exactly the same as MTG saying we should kill Pelosi, right?
  6. Man she really played the hits in her statement/press conference: "bortion, illegals killing everybody, fake media, and Trump/MAGA.
  7. If we're going all in on the Jetsons here can the Space Force Academy fight song be Eep Opp Ork?
  8. Sitting at about 100% return on these DIS calls right now. Edited to add: I am an idiot. Earnings call isn't until next Thursday.
  9. Yeah... Tierney was a bad motherfucker. They had trouble getting places to screen Born to Kill because he had been in trouble with the law so much.
  10. In the spirit of unity the House should kick out the dumb Q Anon bitch from Georgia and maybe we should pay attention to who votes against doing it and vote against them in 2022.
  11. Hello sir may I interest you in an Eskimo Hut franchise?
  12. There are too many good breweries in DFW to tolerate this ranch dressing beer horseshit. They can fuck clean off.
  13. +2 DIS 21 Mar 2021 $2.94. Picked these up when DIS got down to $160 during last week's carnage. In a perfect world I dump these for a >100% return early Friday morning when the stock pops post-earnings because everyone cares about Disney+ subscriber numbers and hears the Charlie Brown teacher voice during the rest of the earnings call.
  14. Sir, everyone on Surly is one of the richest people in the world.
  15. If I was one of the richest people in the world like Bezos I would have thrown in the CEO towel and started doing I Am One of the Richest People in the World shit all day a long time ago.
  16. Insurgent candidates that say incredibly stupid shit are funny until they get the nomination and win in the general.
  17. Me yesterday: I should maybe buy some AMC puts because when that doesn't go up to like $500 in two weeks the daytrippers who bought in will get bored and go back to playing Call of Duty or jerking off to anime tentacle rape porn or whatever it is those r/wallstreetbets people do. Me yesterday: *Doesn't buy AMC puts* Me today:
  18. Oh man, if UIGEA ever gets put out to pasture online poker will be so marshmallow soft for quite awhile that anyone who has any clue what they're doing will be able to make money.
  19. When the $300k number came up most of Surly was confused as to why Onboard just sold his guesthouse but not the main residence.
  20. If you give the money to Joel Osteen then Jesus will give you back twice as much.
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