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Everything posted by Waterface

  1. Tebus, for being an epic alcoholic, age adjusted, Sarkisian looks like a spring lamb. Flood has the cancro leopard face, Gideon the sex disease, Milwee the post-timber head barren. No normal faces, and that's ok.
  2. Pedernales River Fisting Expedition would be a killer band name.
  3. It's only this way for most guys because they're too proud.
  4. Caden Sterns is the worst starting player on the team. Rivaled only by Brewer.
  5. If a PAWG knocks boots in the bathroom with The Rattler, is she still thot of?
  6. But does he have the length and bend to shed Adam Goldberg's blocks and sack a Jay Fiedler or Sid Luckman?
  7. Well, I initially read the part quoted from the Humidor as a bizarre, racially tinged description of coach recruiting areas. So, I tried (evidently very poorly) to satirically paraphrase the quote, using hyperbole to draw attention to the weird racial undertones of the quote. Was intended to make fun of a bizarre quote, not confuse/offend and derail the thread - sorry!
  8. This is actually lucid, reasonable speculation that most (semi-)sober Texas fans would agree with.
  9. Not a good season, Brad Wilcox.
  10. Looks like you should fuck your mouth assertively with any handy household object. Bedpost up next and the most important thing might be that your mouth is fucked with objects.
  11. In lieu of this desired bowl, you could always consider fucking your own mouth.
  12. If we can not lose the football game, we'll win the football game
  13. Guy is a liability at X right now. Not the right stuff. Gimme more Eagles and M. Washington if Call-in's hamstring is still gingering his ass.
  14. Yass. He is contemporary tits, Fuck, if we could have stopped Burrow once, we'd have shitted their shit up. But we couldn't stop Joe Motherfucking iBurrow from burrowing in our collective bums. That's sad, and indicative of how far we still need to progress as a program.
  15. Nice tiny hand, you ruddy, fingernail leper.
  16. What kind of coordinated troll job is this shit?
  17. Typically the former's appearance presages the latter's.
  18. You're mistaken: he wants to put that Maroon coin in his ass (all day). It's a matter of sliding in, not under.
  19. Hoi polloi queens. Being beast-curious need not preclude patronage.
  20. Finally someone had the courage to say it. Elephant in the room, IMHO.
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