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Everything posted by Waterface

  1. So Arizona/LSU girls are slightly less hot and will demand to lick your ass for three hours?
  2. You make a convincing case that this TCU guy was fascinating, even if he didn't shift your judgmental gears on TCU fandom. This TCU fan of yours is haunting my dreams with his rheumatic slow clapping, self-conscious west-east scanning, north-south nodding, and banal "go team" proclamations. I suspect he's a closeted gay, but I don't know that given the paucity of evidence about his cock. I just think we all deserve to know more about this man, memory recall permitting.
  3. Since Ojomo's still a twinkle in his father's eye, then shouldn't they be in the 2035 thread?
  4. He was straight fire. Beasted that rep. What are we doing with our lives?
  5. Deep existential question. One could counter: Why Ponna? Or: What/who the fuck is Ponna?
  6. He looks like he's pulling his cock out for the sodomy. And that's ok.
  7. Ohio does indeed suck, and Ohio State is probably tied with Notre Dame right behind OU and Aggy on my "Most Hated Teams" list, but..... Cincinnati (particularly Over-the-Rhine) is actually a really cool city. Also, while Ohio State is ostensibly less rapey than PSU and Baylor, that's likely just because it's hard to perpetrate rape on a burning couch.
  8. Jake Smith's HS film is retarded good, even if he is playing against the football skill equivalent of rheumatic World War One veterans.
  9. Shitty hook 'em form doe. Put him in NC State's calculator.
  10. Why would one go back to API Land after tasting the sweet fruits of West Coast fleet freedom and brown shoe command jackassery?
  11. The carpet, the ceiling tiles, the mid-90's HS yearbook profile photo backgrounds, the Ikea equipment hooks... one can almost smell the pungent odor of late-era Mack Brown malaise.
  12. Leon O'Neal Jr is the aggie troll aggie never knew they could muster. Grand work by that one, ideally representative of their cult-lective limp dick psychosis.
  13. Amen Dunes' new record, "Freedom", is the tits. Also, new Sarah Shook and Moondoggies albums coming in the next month.
  14. We'll know early enough. If Tyrrell Pigrome and/or Kasim Hill slice and dice us again in Prince George's County like Taysom Hill, it will signal the onset of an early, bitter winter. We need Gary's Johnson to swing from sideline to sideline to contain those fucks.
  15. Ask them to let you put it in their butts. Let them put it in your butt. PUT EVERYTHING IN YOUR BUTT.
  16. Retroactive commit is the best commit?
  17. Fuck to the yeah! Forces of good, karma, all is right in the world, etc.
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