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Everything posted by Jabberwocky

  1. Perronni is hedging and strongly hinting that it might be a ducks committment.
  2. The answer , my friend, is a blowin' in the wind.
  3. What good is a running back who fumbles at crucial times in close games and drops wide open passes in the end zone? I hope SC enjoys the same kind of production Ingram gave us.
  4. SC has been on fire.
  5. https://247sports.com/player/cameron-corhen-46104200/
  6. If Blue runs for 250 against the dirtburglers, I do not think any of these anachronistic prophets of doom will care that he did not play his senior year of highschool. Suddenly, their tune would be markedly different for some reason.
  7. Burnt orange polo, white hat, armbands, and throwing up the horns.
  8. I mean, all it takes is one bad injury and this kid's future payday could evaporate into nothing. Wouldn't everyone in here protect that kind of potential earning by absolutely every means possible? Who here as an adult would trade a hefty NFL contract for a torn up knee in a highschool game? I know I sure as hell wouldn't. This kid is protecting himself from possibly 500 hits this season, maybe more.
  9. This Ohio kid definitely hates the weather at home, and will come to Texas. Unless, of course, the Ohio leigemen are feeling confident.
  10. -- Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus; and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonourable graves?
  11. *Shawshank Redemption meme* I never gave a thought to our chances. Nor did I post about the weather in Colombus. I just do not believe it is incredibly impressionable that OSU has confidence right now. Sorry if I defiled the honor of your best friend, Fuddy. I'm sure he is a good man, and thorough.
  12. The kid is from California, and is planning a recruiting world tour. Yet, Ohio is confident like they always are... That's really cool, man.
  13. Who's upset? I was simply pointing out the fact that your post was inconsequential. When the kid is spending the time and money to take unofficial visits all over the country (and then also taking official visits later on), then it would seem that the level of confidence of whoever it is that you are referencing is also irrelevant at this point in time. Maybe they land the kid, maybe they don't. We will see.
  14. Lol Okay...? I am sure they feel confident about a lot of recruits that they eventually lose out on. Just ask Bijan Robinson.
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