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Everything posted by Jabberwocky

  1. The rumor around youtube folks is that Pac presidents have started receiving the comprehensive offer for review anywhere from Saturday through Wednesday. Of course, I cannot verify that. The package is expected to be complex, to have a heavy streaming component, and to be loaded with unrealistic subscription incintives in order to reach a competative level of value. The general opinion is that it will take several days to comb through in order to fully comprehend. Fireworks are expected to start this Friday (almost guaranteed to begin with SDSU), and then continue on for a couple weeks after that. I do not remember when Pac media days is, but it is some time in mid-July and is also expected to be a shit show.
  2. Okay, we will see.
  3. They are essentially Oklahoma State with a much bigger lottery payday. Those uniforms and facility upgrades will only cover that up for so long. Once that recruiting money dries up, the viewership will normalize as well.
  4. I think the crux of the issue is that Oregon is not truly a major brand in cfb. I personally have no real interest in them. They have a major donor who has temporarily boosted their recruiting ability and popularity through uniform and facility upgrades, but their fanbase profile is largely constrained going into the future. In short, they are a flash in the pan.
  5. Some nerdy stuff from a Baylor writer.
  6. Crumbl is legit though.
  7. I think we owe all of this recent recruiting success to this guy right here...
  8. The media partners were enforcing their contract terms with the Big 12 and the Big 12 was concurrently negotiating their contract terms with UTOU. It obviously doesn't make sense for the Big12 to cut UTOU loose from the 99 year GOR to subsequently be fucked by their media partners for breaking the media rights contract. This.
  9. The bylaws are only enforcable through a valid GOR. That is what they are arguing against.
  10. The members of a conference cannot vote another member into signing a GOR. Let's put it this way, so we are clear. The GOR is a rights agreement between the school and the conference. The Media rights contract is an agreement between the conference and their media partners. Both of these end in July 2024 for the Pac-12. No school in the Pac-12 would sign a new GOR without an acceptable media rights contract waiting. That would be crazy.
  11. The SDSU situation is completely different. They have a valid media contract that extends to July 2026. The MWC media contract and GOR do not expire next year. In the case of the Big 12, I believe the GOR was for a 99 year term, and the media rights contract expired in July 2025. In that case UTOU had to pay an exit penalty to retain their media rights.
  12. Well, for arguments sake, let's say that Thunder is correct, and the members are locked into the Pac 12. Does it carry any meaning for them to be locked into a conference with no contract for their media rights? Wouldn't the schools then be able to shop their media rights anywhere they wanted while still being somehow "locked" in the Pac 12?
  13. No, they are all the same. How can you magically be locked into a conference with no legal terms? The GOR and media contract are the legal terms.
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