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Harvard Man

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Everything posted by Harvard Man

  1. He's not the president and he's not family so prison. Can he be pardoned?
  2. COUP D'E(eps)TAT(e).
  3. Republican on Republican coup.
  4. Pamela Anderson loves leakers. She's pro deep throat.
  5. Trump talks and talks wildly (and insanely) so it's nearly impossible to pin him down on specifics but the gist of what he was saying was obvious. He came of like a surrogate for the Klansmen for he bloviated for their side passionately and against them only in a perfunctory manner. A weak condemnation mixed with a startlingly robust defense of the right wing Marchers and protestors. Doing such a thing intimated where his alliance clearly rested, it rested with his obviously white supremacist base. This has been followed up by slashing Investigations of white nationalism, denying its prolific rise, ignoring and never condemning Steph King, calling congressman Omar disgraceful etc etc etc. His bias of one side vs the other is undeniable.
  6. Rupert convinced an Australian to mass murder Muslims already. Apparently, he wants more bloody headlines.
  7. Oswald killed JFK subsequently dooming LBJ (who paled in comparison), eventually leading to Nixon. Assange doomed Obama (his documented reality paling in comparison to his myth) and then he subsequently killed HRC, eventually leading to Trump. Also, Lincoln had a secretary named 911.
  8. Yes this is just to extradite. More charges to follow, says the scuttlebutt. He'll have ample opportunity to cooperate (ie, rat). On whom? Since he was blathering about resisting the Trump Administration while being yanked out (for the Yanks) -- on Trump, hopefully.
  9. The entire Iraq War was a crime. Lock America Up. Every war is a crime though. Lock God Up.
  10. This is the closet Trump supporter thread. Every other thread is for closet Hillary supporters. Except for the Gary Johnson Hates QBs thread. That's the thread for closet Quarterbacks.
  11. Barr himself said he had no proof.
  12. Graft Ol' Party.
  13. I still believe in reason. That's what I yell from the ledge.
  14. By the way -- he was yelling about how this *Trump Administration* action must be resisted. You want your freedom, Julienne -- TALK. Implicate them. The Roger Stone trial is still ongoing. Time to sing. Now that I think about it - this arrest could be big. As big as the wiki dump was when they changed the grab pussy tape scandal back to Hillary's emails.
  15. He looks like a crazed hermit. This is what law and order looks like, GOP. Take note, when Trump is out of office, game on, for this may happen to you. To Donald. To Jr. Etc.
  16. Apropos of cock sucking ... The FBI & Special Counsel should be so incensed at what Barr is doing to undermine them while recklessly affirming Trump's 2 year long trash talking of them, they should leak the whole fn report. We need a double deep throat. We need Trump's tax returns and the full Mueller report leaked.
  17. There's your fn spy, Bob Barr.
  18. Who cares if they were. Now ... Arrest the FBI immediately.
  19. Looks VERY suspicious. Hey, were the American election systems targeted by anybody??
  20. I repeat. Barr is shit.
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