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Harvard Man

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Everything posted by Harvard Man

  1. The polls were right. The GOP along with Russia stole the election at state levels - just enough to win electoral college points. Hillary won by 3 million votes and given concerted GOP election riggings and stunts, she probably won by 5.
  2. It works according to Russian whimsy.
  3. Ledge. Ledge. Ledge.
  4. The dems better keep Biden in the race. The only chance for this country's future is a full scale Midwest bail on Trump.
  5. He basically just made the deep state argument. The media is the enemy of the people and the FBI is a snake pit of spies and coup facilitators. And the Dems hate Jews, abhor capitalism and love MS13. The Russians are unfurling this shit. Plank by plank. This is Fascism 101. Studied and then executed by the alt right. Cohen was fucking right. Trump won't leave office willingly. Q WILL BE JOYOUS. SO WILL Q-AGGY.
  6. He *is* a Russian asset and you know it and don't care. Team Mafia!
  7. Barr is crafting Trump's talking points. That's his job and we know it now. Forget about honest redactions or good faith anything from Barr. This is a farce. He's prejudging everything openly and brazenly in Trump's favor and then following through. Everything opposed to Trump he'll carefully and tactfully bury. Piece of shit. Touch of evil fat man.
  8. Trump is going to say he was spied upon every 2nd & 5th Tweet from here on out. Lending credence to his Coup accusation. He'll call everything beset against him a treasonous conspiracy. Barr is a the perfect cog for Trump's unchecked authoritarianism. And Chrispy loves this rising tide of fascism. Fucking loves it.
  9. Chill effect against law and order. Don't ever bitch about illegal immigration again. The cops are the real bad guys. Fucking coup attempt by the boys in blue. Public enemy #1 is now the guy responsible for determining the public enemy BCS rankings.
  10. Absolutely! Let's arrest Mueller. Teach him to respectfully decline to prosecute according to DOJ policy. Don't wanna get arrested Rob!?? Then be President. Utilize Russian interference wantonly and liberally. It works. And do not notify the FBI -- they'll either be investigated and arrested later or they'll do nothing in regards to presidential and foreign malfeasance ever again. This is how you steal elections in perpetuity.
  11. From layer cake to liar cake.
  12. Will you vote for Biden if he wins the primary?
  13. Also, mexicans are GREAT cooks. See Austin. Microwaves otoh are terrible cooks. See popcorn.
  14. Do people really want robot cum on their burgers!??
  15. Rasmussen is ridiculously ridiculous.
  16. Transformer flying hibachi drones!
  17. I want an impeachment. I don't care how the Senate ultimately votes -- I want the truth.
  18. Biden still looks fine and dandy in the polls.
  19. I think the White House has seen the report and were consulted with re his letter and probably re his redactions.
  20. He's not dodging the Republican's leading questions about the report with "that's all I'm going to say about that" mumbo jumbo. As you can see, the Repubs clearly do NOT want any transparency. "It's done, it's over" is their creedo. Funny how we never heard such a thought ever applied to any of their Hillary investigations.
  21. He's dodging everything. He won't give Congress the full report, just an obviously white washed one (to benefit the white house). This is an unmitigated cover up. What a crock of shit that this will have to go to the courts where time will run out on his first term. Just like his tax returns. Well, I guess the president of the United States LIED to us again. (Shocked!)
  22. Blow it all up to save it from socialisms!
  23. Wannabe Goebbels. You know you're on the wrong side of morality / decency / everything when your side has to ardently defend Stephen Miller. Go make that sinister odious reptilian brained slimy egg plant skulled foul disgrace of a man rich & powerful beyond his wildest dreams! You useful idiot. You bootlicking stooge.
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