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Harvard Man

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Everything posted by Harvard Man

  1. Homelessness in America is a death sentence (for being short on rent). There's no way out of it, without socialism or family help. So, don't get severely injured or sick because America has NO true welfare system at all. Be good to your family members and be mindful while driving.
  2. Nope. She's just a republican. As if there's a difference, lol.
  3. One of them found Trump was not exonerated. Boy oh boy it'd be neat to someday read that huh.
  4. Campaign manager gave internal polling data to a Kremlin connected oligarch + collectively lied about adoption meeting with Kremlin/KGB connected Russian *oppo research* peddlers in secret Trump Tower meeting in which the FBI was not notified of a foreign adversary patently meddling in an United States elections + hacked DNC + oddity of the abrupt anctions revision in RNC platform + firing Comey to suppress Russian Investigation etc etc etc. If there is more than this in the Mueller Report , well then , maybe we oughta reconsider DOJ policy on not indicting a sitting president.
  5. Want evidence! Clamor for the release of Trump's tax returns and the Mueller report. Otherwise STFU.
  6. Obamacare works fantastically for me. Not having health care because of a pre-existing condition is a form of murder. Oh, and working in the insurance industry means you're fucking unskilled. Please explain to me what the skill is. Also what is Trump's skill? Diagnosing wind cancer? If that were a true thing btw, the skilled workers in the insurance industry would deny you coverage for that. And/or make you pay multi thousands of dollars for your wind cancer pills. Opposition to modern immigration is flat out racism. The country is full = _____ need not apply. If we deported every illegal this week the Texas economy would crater in about a month, and these pro trump Maga bastards would probably lose their jobs resultantly. Also -- biggest US welfare queens are the racist Maga southerners. Former & current unskilled, uneducated illiterate white trash immigrants from Europe. Greatest political con job in history has to be America. Specifically, "Manifest Destiny". Genocide & Slavery as our national "oranges" transmogrified into Trump's Russia-engineered electoral college sham is about as undemocratic a narrative as it gets. What a piss poor and totally shameful actualization of destiny.
  7. The VA worked pretty well until the Bush Administration got a hold of it, and ya know, filled it up with 20 years of injured soldiers (while slashing budgets).
  8. Where are the tits on the major networks! I have yet to see a boob let alone any full frontals and it's 2019 (of the 21st Century!) Thanks a lot Christianity! Thanks a lot all religions (except Satanism)! I saw American Horror Story and the Anti Christ was portrayed as bad. And that Exorcist and Omen etc certainly wasn't flattering to the devil either was it. The only TV I can watch is Lucifer and South Park. And there are no boobs there either. Discrimination!
  9. German immigrants have their animals too, like "the Trumps", and other fleeing Nazis.
  10. Biden / Kamala. Get used to it, because it'll win.
  11. Biden is killing it in his speech. Tough as nails. He'll eat Trump alive. He's the nominee. He'll raise big money. And win the Midwest easily. Add Kamala & there's your winner.
  12. Tell that to the immigrant children in cages.
  13. LipsCum is the Harvard of the Pornhub categories.
  14. Either "Simms vs Applewhite" or "Harvard vs Yale". I never check the "Simms vs Yale" thread however as I consider those two things the same thing.
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