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Liquor and Poker

Certifiably Surly
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  1. If I could control my dreams I definitely would. But no luck on that.
  2. I love how if their softball team went 0-whatever they wouldn’t care but since they had a successful season it ruins them because they had to play and lose to Texas.
  3. I had a very realistic dream last night that aggy and the Texas Big12 schools lobbied the state leg to put “salary caps” on player comp because if they can’t compete they wanted to make sure we couldn’t either. Was hard to believe that it didn’t happen for the first 30 minutes I was awake.
  4. Seen a few people throw up. Does that count?
  5. Me too this past August. Simply because I take bp meds at all
  6. Bieniemy is nearing completion of his odyssey back to the wannabe gang scene in West Covina.
  7. Yeah, I had to have this high-ranking federal agent I know explain it to me. He said he is totally legit, FWIW.
  8. Did it happen in one of our great casitas?
  9. My cell phone reception is definitely worse since I recovered. We still doing that?
  10. I never liked the “wide at both ends and thin in the middle” curved design over the original that just used plain romans. But you have a point that the logos all suck. SEC has the benefit of being an improvement over the old one.
  11. I just hope the Big12 finally gets its marketing act together. Morphing coaches, cryptic ad reads over seizure-inducing strobed pictures, I don’t even think the logo was designed well. I would watch the SECSECSEC ads, the BiG map ad or the ad with babies and old people and think “Those look professional. Big 12 ads look like a student media team did an ad for a third-tier sports drink.” Hell, even the Pac12 “Conference of Champions” ads were better. WWE is not the answer.
  12. Is there a tie-in to this spiral-laden occult/magic “we never quite get there” thing in every season? I remember it from the first one but not from 3. Have really no memory of season two except that the cast felt like they chose roles by drawing straws.
  13. Aggy 2025: Next Year is Still Our Year
  14. I get all these media-frenzy “guy-kiils-wife” or “mom-kills-own-kids” cases mixed up. Don’t understand why one catches the public interest over another. When I used to do pro bono criminal defense cases there were plenty of these folks on the list.
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