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Liquor and Poker

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Liquor and Poker

  1. One thing I love about this place is how every thread on here eventually goes totally unhinged. Some start that way, but they all get there at some point.
  2. Yep. But fuck anyone who has a problem with me not going for the same reason. For them It’s their wedding. For you it’s the hassle you have to deal with this weekend.
  3. I'm reading above that a tarp over the equipment will take care of this.
  4. How likely is it that you can have omicron but have both negative rapid and PCR tests? My daughter had textbook symptoms for 6 days but tested negative at her doctor's office on day 4. She also passed the free cheese test we just got from the FDA on day 3.
  5. That's the only way I've ever seen it. And I used to have to make 2 sets of calls each year (1 for each car), but at some point I went month-to-month with one of them on some $3 deal for a few months and got them lined up. So there's that.
  6. The song stations have a very tight, and very weird, rotation. The same songs come up over and over, and on the vintage stations, sometimes they're kinda fringe and obscure. Like the early Alternative station (1st Wave) plays a lot of Blancmange. They've gotten more airplay on Sirius in a month in 2020 than they did in an entire year in the 1980s. Yes, I am that old.
  7. You just gotta hang up and try again. If this process is entertaining to you, or if your money is worth more than your time, a few days of walking away and trying again maybe 2-3 times a day will get you in the $60/yr range per car or better for the Platinum plan. Cheaper per car if you have more cars. Don’t even bother trying to deal on the lower plans, they all seem to have the same price floor-in fact, I think they’ve mostly done away with them. I usually spend several hours of my time each year playing this game, and this year I’m debating whether it’s worth the trouble. Wife listens to it, I can’t remember the last time I did. She can learn to use her phone and Spotify. I’d reup if they’d just give me the same deal without the whole dance.
  8. Keep buying that as the reason and you'll have no money anyway.
  9. I enjoy missing work, and used to enjoy missing school. And it's way better if you're not really all that sick.
  10. More possible that the shot giver hit a nerve or caused a deep bruise.
  11. Sorry, but knocking off Girl Scout cookies for profit is just wrong. Then again, Trader Joe's is a shit company.
  12. Do it. It's not like it doesn't help on your resume if you change your mind and want to come back out.
  13. Well, if it wasn't for that unfortunate fact, it...still wasn't funny.
  14. Then you'll love mine. I bought the extra large version. $100 more (although they're on sale a lot): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G4LCAJI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 We go through the whole pot every day and more than one on weekends. Four adults and two teenagers. Yes, the coffee is more than noticeably better. It's really not even close to the crap from even a $100 maker - or the swill people drink at Starbucks, McDonalds, 7-11, etc. And that godawful shit that comes out of a plastic ketchup holder at work - I'd rather drink paint thinner and it's probably better for me. But to me, not having my coffee maker crap out for the last 7 years is the main difference. Flawless operation with no issues. All my Mr. Coffees, Capressos, KitchenAids, Cuisinarts, and even my old Bonavita - they just didn't last. Too much plastic, too thin wiring in the coil, etc. Yes, I'm white. And yes it's a luxury. I could also drink $10/bottle scotch. But I don't.
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