A bit of a CSB, but also a bit of a weird Covid thing. Wife and I had horrible cases of food poisoning last week. Sunday and Monday are a total blur of Exorcist-level projectile vomiting and worse. Highish (103) fever, chills, extreme fatigue, body aches, extreme headaches, etc. Sickest I personally have ever been in my life.
But then the kids (15 yo) got it on Tuesday and Wednesday (about 3-4 after us), even though they didn’t share a meal with us in the relevant time. Christmas was fantastic for them. Kids opening presents laying on the bathroom floor and that sort of thing.
And, 10 days in, the wife and I still have intermittent low-grade fever and fatigue during the day. Kids have periods of extreme fatigue but no fever we’ve seen.
Weirder still, my 74 yo MIL who lives with us has no symptoms still - despite lots of contact immediately prior to illness, especially with the kids.
So my doc made us go in and take a Covid test at our day 4 when the kids got sick. Negative. Kids took home tests. Negative. Same for day 7. But he still suspects Covid.
Wife’s doc, who practices at the same place, has all but said that’s not possible. It’s a norovirus, albeit a worse one than usual. But before the kids got sick she was also equally adamant that it was absolutely foodborne.
My doc has thought Covid basically from the jump. He says in a month I will show positive for N antibodies and he will be vindicated. Neighbor who is a epidemiologist feels like my guy is probably right.
So I am never coming in contact with anyone else ever again. But has anyone else ever seen symptom profile like this from Covid?