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Ravishing Rick

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Everything posted by Ravishing Rick

  1. Think of it like a JerkMate with barnyard animals
  2. I’ve spent much of my career working in large cities in Europe, and I’ve taken public transport thousands of times. Not trying to act as some kind of authority on the topic, but my personal view is that subways/trains are good for some things and an absolute pain in the ass for others. Traveling between Munich and Frankfurt - hell yeah put me on the ICE train. Or London to Paris. Le TGV all the way. But I found myself gradually never using the subways/metros/tubes/U-bahns as i got older because they’re a pain and often not even faster than a car. Especially if you’re travelling with business colleagues or especially not with your family. If you can afford it, you’ll prefer a car. Subways in NYC? Sad to say but I don’t consider them safe for my wife and kids to be on. I’ll take them myself but not with my family or business colleagues. I pretty much only take them if I’m going to at a sporting event like the US Open tennis tournament where there are big crowds and a train that takes you right there.
  3. 8th grade. Waco, Texas. Ravishing Rick was a sneaky athletic basketball player at the 2 guard. Played cross town rival school that feeds into Waco University high. Despite some overly physical defense to try to compensate for my deficiencies, I got lit up by a very quick and athletic opposing two guard. Ladanian Tomlinson. He turned out to have a nice career in another sport and even got elected into its hall of fame, but Ravishing Rick could no doubt whip him in pickleball today, so who’s laughing now?
  4. Well, yeah, actually it was in fact me.
  5. Highland Park takes the lead over Denton Ryan with 6 seconds to go on a FG!!!
  6. HP stormed back with a TD, but had the XP blocked. 14-6 Ryan. Scots moving the ball easily on the ground and via the air. Ryan had a pick-six that hurt.
  7. Well, to counter this, a lot of people don't recognize Westlake's underrated diversity - they're roughly 50% female.
  8. Maybe, but I’ll take Duncanville by three scores. North Crowley has a great team but think t they’re getting a lot of hype for beating Desoto who wasn’t as good as many thought this year.
  9. Looking like yet another year of North Shore vs Duncanville. Its 3-2 North Shore since 2018. then I’ve got Longview vs Summer Creek in 6A d2.
  10. My in-laws are what I'd describe as extreme red-ass aggies. They are taking the loss really hard. Like, really bad. It's fucking glorious.
  11. From the Monte Carlo Country Club in Monaco (sorry for the flex…couldn’t resist) TEXAS!!!!
  12. FFS he’s still sporting that chinstrap now that it’s fully gray?
  13. Permian's field in Odessa was already booked
  14. PNG vs Texas High in Natchitoches (pronounced Nak-ee-tush), Louisiana? Pretty rare to see a Texas high school football game played in another state. About a 3 hour drive from each high school, which is actually less than many teams have to travel for the state playoffs in Arlington. by the way - I couldn't believe how they pronounce the town there - a little different than their Texas cousin...
  15. True. But Aggy with Reed at qb struggles to pass - even against New Mexico State - and now they’re down Moss at RB who was their bell cow. I think Auburn can load up on the run and Aggy won’t move the ball.
  16. Nope. I've been working in Monaco for a while and haven't gotten into the American political news cycle. I also intentionally avoid social media unless I'm peepin' hotties on Instagram, which I quite enjoy.
  17. This is my first time to venture into the cloak room, so have patience with me, please. What I'm trying to understand is all the positivity for Harris and her chances in this thread, yet the sportsbooks/betting markets, and Wall St / European stock markets all appear to be pricing in a Trump victory. Seems like that shouldn't be ignored?
  18. Looch is “little brother” defined. Our $9.95ers don’t give A&M a second thought, yet Texas dominates Looch’s commentary. yes, we have a couple A&M threads on here, but that’s purely to laugh at them, rather than to discuss their team.
  19. My God the strawmen in this thread are out of control. WE WANT TO KEEP THE GAME AT THE COTTON BOWL AND THE FAIR. Just fix the obvious shit like: 1) Entrance gates that don't require 45 minute long waits 2) Don't run out of water bottles at halftime 3) Open up more concession stands to reduce the wait time for beer 4) (to Dallas): fix the DART trains that stay at stops for 10+ minutes, requiring over 60 minutes to get from the fair park station to downtown 5) (to the Fair) If you're in a generous mood and want extra credit, get rid of the fucking coupons at the fair - because the coupon lines are long and I would have spent $100 on stupid shit playing "toss the dart at the balloon" if it didn't require waiting in the coupon line I'm willing to deal with the heat, crowds and the horse trough pissers. Just fix the above and keep the good stuff.
  20. Brandon Drumm had a bad day
  21. I was also caught up in this. It was truly awful on DART leaving the stadium. It was also a total pain in the ass to get into the stadium area 3 hours before the game on the DART buses. Additionally, getting into the stadium gates was a total clusterfuck, as well. Took over 45 minutes to get in, while waiting in 90+ degree heat. Then no cell phone service the whole game. Having it alongside the State Fair is cool, but for crying out loud fix this other shit!
  22. What makes it worse is that the car wash cost $160.
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