Rice undergrad alum here (Texas MBA, hence why I'm on this board). Some of the biggest nerds you'll ever encounter, but there's a surprising amount of entertaining fuckery that goes on as a student there. "Baker 13" (co-ed running naked around campus once a month), Night of Decadence (halloween party where you wear as little as possible....one dude arrived in a snickers wrapper around his crank one year...but kind of worth if for the 2-3 decently hot women who show up), over the top binge drinking due to students who have no idea how to drink, etc. It's also located in the middle of Houston, which offers truly any and all kinds of degeneracy you could want - ie taking football recruits to the "anything goes" all-nude strip clubs south on I-45, any and all drugs readily available, escorts from around the world, etc. Shady AF.
It's an interesting place, but celebrating top 25 football wins is unfortunately a "once every 25 years" event. So I'm reporting for duty today. You'll hear back from me again in 2045 for the next one.