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Everything posted by MadBurgerMaker

  1. Get the fuck out of the way.
  2. Apparently the feds aren't going anywhere.
  3. It's not really about the future of the Chinese economy at that point.
  4. Taking out the US power grid with an EMP is a huge strategic attack that can potentially destroy the country (as we know it at the very least). That's definitely a nuclear response.
  5. Could just be them securing potential domains while everyone keeps trying to convince Snyder that "Hard Rs" isn't a good idea.
  6. DC not Washington, but still. Give Haskins, or whoever their starting QB is going to be, a bonus to change his name to Shane Falco.
  7. Hm yes, lets try to blind pilots while they're flying overhead. Excellent idea.
  8. I have zero self control
  9. Why do they do things like that? Massively over charge, I mean. Is it to try to get plea deals or something?
  10. Yeah that sucks bad. The Roughnecks looked...correct...playing in Houston with a name and logo like that.
  11. Teams can suck and have good names. Teams can be great and still just essentially be [LOCALAFFILIATION #31] [TEAMNAME #27]. The best ones are the types that are relevant to their location. For example: Patriots, Cowboys, Ravens, Packers, 49ers, Saints. Those are good names that make sense for where they are. Or when they were created in the case of the Saints.
  12. I don't know what you're arguing with here. Most of those aren't interesting either, despite the team success (LSU needs to keep that name history quiet).
  13. Uh...a felony seems just a tad excessive.
  14. Because 3 out of the last 5 have been named that way. Bland strength. Other than the Jaguars (relevant zoo animal at least), Panthers (literally named because panthers are strong), and Titans (...), you got the Ravens (famous resident and good) and the Texans (relevant...local...population?). To be fair to the Texans, they probably would have been the red/white/blue Oilers if they could, but damn. Redtails is at least interesting, although also weird since they got the nickname due to the, you know, red tails on their planes. Reminds me of redasses when applied to people instead of planes. Redwolves and Warriors are not interesting, but hey Snyder could probably reuse alternate logos with those and keep selling dat merch. Instead of these types of things, I wish they'd come up with something relevant to their local area or at least fun. Like the Biscuits.
  15. Ugh why is this taking so long? I'm really curious to see which completely bland "strong" name and logo their corporate marketing committee comes up with. It will surely strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. Someone up thread (I think it was here) is right: they should go with the MiLB approach and not take everything so seriously. This shit is supposed to be fun, isn't it? But I guess the superfans and some of the weirdo players who GO TO WAR every Sunday wouldn't like that too much.
  16. I don't think they can even do that right now. That floating tire fire carrier had the one drydock that could hold it sink underneath it and cause a bunch of damage in the process. Like, a bigass crane dropped on the deck, killed some workers, etc. Pretty sure they were building a new drydock to replace it, but I'm not sure what the status of that is. E: Damn, they also had a big fire on board a year later.
  17. Welp. I wonder if they'll decom it, assuming the damage is as bad as it looks, or pony up for the repairs. Fairly sure Triploi is pretty close to being ready and all, but LHDs are...kind of a big deal. They're probably wishing those two LCSs burned to the waterline instead.
  18. Oh a year later. Here I was picturing this dude doing a drive by in some ridiculous yellow lambo with blue and purple flames on it while on his way to fuckin Macy's with his decoy bomb and the crew waiting for him.
  19. Welcome to AT&T Stadium. Now please give a round of applause for the Exxon-Mobil Cheerleaders as they welcome YOUR! KIMBERLY CLARK! COOOWBOYS!"
  20. Just Alabama and Georgia? Hm.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Florida https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Burgundy
  21. I slipped and fell while running up the stairs at home and went mouth first into the corner of the base of the banister. Had to get stitches in my gums heh.
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