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Everything posted by MadBurgerMaker

  1. Pretty sure he's been doing that for a while.
  2. There are actually quite a few jobs where you can end up deployed somewhere that sucks and doesn't involve a ship, depending on the command you end up with, but really for most things odds are you're going to the fleet.
  3. That you're most likely going to be on a ship eating ship food and sleeping in a (possibly still warm) rack instead of god awful MREs and the ground or whatever. E: Unless you're a seal, seabee, corpsman, or one of those rapid response security dudes that's unlucky enough to get deployed for operation bomb useless dirt, etc. Then you get all the downsides of being in the Navy AND the Army/USMC! Sweet!
  4. Refs standing there looking at each other for 20 seconds while the clock runs.
  5. Yeah that became a theme at some point. "Except for when they got their fucking asses kicked, Baylor has dominated this game!"
  6. Well yeah. The hands are covered.
  7. Anyone see what might have happened with Ingram? Just aggravated the same injury, or was there maybe something else?
  8. Yeah, I was bitching about the amount of commercials in the Fox games, but holy shit
  9. Is Florida Perine related to ou Perine?
  10. Yeah that's a dumb thing, although now that I know about it, I want that shit to go down again so both teams get ejected. Or did only Florida get the teamwide PF? Either way. "
  11. You can. The only one of these I really played before this one was Origins, which is actually set in a later time period. There's some sort of modern day storyline that goes along with it, so there might be more background there that tires in with the other games, but TBH I was finding that part to be annoying filler keeping me away from the good parts and wasn't paying much attention to it.
  12. This is a good game. I'm not minmaxing armor and weapons, which is probably making things more difficult. I tend to just go with what I think looks the coolest at the moment. Spears are the shit, although there don't seem to be shields (for the player), which is kind of a bummer.
  13. Probably mis-clicks. I did that on one when I was going through his recent posts and negging all of them. If you don't see it when you do it, welp
  14. Just got home and turned this on: Damn.
  15. Booger McFarland should be in the booth.
  16. Took me a couple days or so, although I didn't have it bad to begin with. Some people just don't ever seem to get over it. Had an ensign show up about 6 months before I came back to the states, and that poor bastard was still getting majorly seasick any time it wasn't basically smooth as glass by the time I was getting ready to leave.
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