Eh, I don't think you can really say the ones posted here are fake or counterfeit. Davosa, Squale, and Steinhart, which are the homage brands I've seen in this thread, aren't trying to say their watches are Rolexes, and they don't use Chinese...anything, I don't them. They brand them accurately and use ETAs, which are Swiss made (Swatch group owns ETA) movements used by A LOT of brands.
I'm not very familiar with Davosa, but Squale and Steinhart also have their own designs (you can see one of the original Squales from their 60 Atmos line up above, for example).
I've got a fake...I think it was a fake Patek....that I picked up on a whim while I was in Korea to see what was in it. That shit was labeled up trying to pretend to be the real thing ($20 Patek lol). I've still got it laying around here somewhere, although I took the movement out to mess with it. Unmarked, but it has hacking and hand winding, which is interesting.