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Podrick's Magic Cock

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  1. I believe they will have to send it off to get tested. I just happen to be at my annual physical this week and my doc recommended getting tested for the antibodies. His clinic had to send by blood to a place to perform the test.
  2. I had my blood checked for measles antibodies. I'm not protected. I have an appointment at HEB to get the MMR shot. It seems if you were born between 1968-1971, there were some "unknown" measles vaccines being distributed. I guess I didn't get the Merck vaccine like everyone else.
  3. If Trump wins this I'm rooting for a meteor, nukes flying, or the Yellowstone caldera to pop off. What's the point of living if all these terrible people are in positions of power? People suck.
  4. Twenty years ago, Howard Dean screamed and was labeled too much of a hot head to be president. Now, an open traitor is allowed to run for the office? What..the...fuck?
  5. Fuck all these traitors. They should hang.
  6. The Texas Legislature changed the retirement rules for everyone hired after September 1, 2022. ERS Retirement Groups If you go this route, better stuff the 457 plan with money.
  7. SW Austin power outage
  8. I can't believe I grew up fearing these morons. They seem to suck at war.
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