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Everything posted by lockport

  1. Damn, this is a good game
  2. I'm from Tennessee but have lived in Austin for 17 years so this is pretty exciting to watch.
  3. Anyone have a link where i can watch this magic?
  4. Was able to cap off the busted pipe outside and turned the water line back on a few hours ago. Good pressure and all faucets running. Checking for leaks and don't see/hear any. I think I'm in the clear. Really lucky to get out of this with no busted pipes. Hope everyone is doing ok.
  5. Got any of those HEB reusable bags hanging around? Might work in a pinch.
  6. Just had a tap on the outside corner of the house burst, water was spraying everywhere so I ran down with a hammer and wrench and tried the tapping method and got the thing to turn. So I was able to get the main line to the house shut off, but now I have a burst pipe outside. Got on a waiting list with ARS but there's no ETA. At least I got the main shut off though. Crazy how adrenaline increases your strength haha.
  7. Yeah I don't feel comfortable going after it with a hammer. Gonna wait until tomorrow when it warms up a bit and try again.
  8. Well I found the main cutoff valve down at the street. Tried turning it clockwise but it wouldn't budge. I'm afraid to fuck with it anymore than that since I don't know what I'm doing. Unable to locate the cutoff valve inside the house but I've narrowed it down and I think it's inside the wall.
  9. Mine was built in 1985. I'll get out there and take another look.
  10. Yeah that's what I was trying to do. As far as I'm aware that's where the shutoff valve is, I don't see one inside the house. I've never had to shut it off before.
  11. Yeah, I'm gonna get back out there and give it another shot tomorrow.
  12. Water pipes have been frozen since Sunday evening. I went down to the street to shut off the main but the valve is buried under several inches of frozen dirt/rocks and I can't get to it. Never experienced frozen pipes before so I have all of the faucets open and fingers crossed my house doesn't explode when things begin to thaw. Been melting snow so we have water to run the toilets. I'm thankful we haven't lost power so far.
  13. Did you hear about the boxing pirate? He had a mean right hook
  14. lockport

    RIP Sean Malone

    Only 50 years old. Absolute legend and genius musician, a huge influence on me. Gone too soon. With Sean Reinert passing away in January, that's half of Cynic gone in one year. Crushing loss. https://www.nme.com/news/music/sean-malone-bassist-of-metal-titans-cynic-has-died-aged-50-2835805
  15. An annual staple for me is to watch this clip...one of the best
  16. Damn these clips always end when it's getting good
  17. Wrestling around with two kids during recess in 1st grade, one fell on top of me while my right arm was pinned underneath my back. Snapped my arm halfway in between the wrist and elbow. Doc said it was one of the worst breaks he had ever seen. I don't remember much except that the pain was so intense my body went into shock and I couldn't move for a few hours.
  18. Can you imagine working at Walmart after the mask mandate? The Karen incidents have to be off the charts.
  19. I had a very similar incident back when I was working at the Drafthouse. Had a friend come over one evening and we killed a bottle of tequila, and I had to be at work at 9am. I kept having to run out the back of the kitchen and was puking bile. I couldn't go anywhere near tequila again for years.
  20. I have only done this once before. https://timetraveler.ytmnd.com/
  21. I was just having a conversation with the roommate and blamed a fart on her dog. She bought it. Sorry, no pics of roommate.
  22. Not sure if this was really a prank or just smart thinking on my father's part, but one year at Christmas he got my stepbrother and I to move an extremely heavy package from my grandmother's house to our house under the guise of it being a present for my aunt. On Christmas morning it was revealed to be a new family television set that he had tricked us into moving so he wouldn't have to do it.
  23. Agreed, and Rick Nelson had some good songs in that one
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