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I'm Glenn Quagmire

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Everything posted by I'm Glenn Quagmire

  1. If that happened it would probably cement him as a god in Austin. It would likely also be accompanied by a heisman too, he could he seen almost as a deity.
  2. Yeah exactly. It gives you something to talk about. I Mean they gave preseason defensive player of the yr to Murray. How seriously are you taking these preseason things? Taking it with a Big ole Quohog sized grain of salt here.
  3. Preseason anything is kind of silly, but it gives you something to talk about
  4. As long as saying that makes you feel better, that’s the most Important thing. But it won’t help in October
  5. Firstly, I’m a pilot so I don’t live in a trailer park. It’s called a community for mobile homes. I also don’t cook meth anymore, again, I’m a pilot. So I smuggle cocaine I didn’t miss the point. I just don’t care if someone doesn’t like an OU player. It’s like, so what? Would you? Didn’t think so.
  6. I get it, some people take the rivalry too seriously. It’s okay jimbob! You’re not alone, a lot of people take sports rivalries too seriously. Just when you beat your wife for making texas lose, hit her body with a phone book, won’t leave an obvious mark & you can continue to wail away for years.
  7. It’s not all that bad. Mayfield is easy to root for, such fire. I’ll be watching his Hall of fame career unfold with Interest. Hopefully he doesn’t shit on my 49ers too hard. He sure sold a shit ton of jerseys last year so it’s not just OU fans that like the guy. Murray easy to root for when he’s winning a ton of games for you. Don’t care what he does now though. They didn’t need Mixon to win but it sure didn’t hurt! Hell be in many pro bowls I think, lucky bengals fans.
  8. I’m not sure if there was a dick shortage in the 90s. Maybe? I was referring to the shortage of wins of the football team
  9. The important thing is that typing it made you feel better. It’s not a perspective I’ve chosen- it just is what it is. It’s reallh great being an OU fan right now. If it wasn’t I’d admit it. It wasn’t always easy in the 90s
  10. That’s actually me. It was before I became a pilot.
  11. I don’t expect it to have high regard. I was just congratulating you on your hard won victory which was sealed by that creative never before heard of nickname. I’d be mad too being on the losing end of 39-27. I get it. It’s a part of the experience of being a texas fan. Who am I to deny you your fantasy! This is America! And my cock sucking abilities are out of this world
  12. I fling enough poo in the toilet after Mexican night
  13. Well, as we all know, when you resort to name calling, it means your superior intellect and god-like opinion on the subject have won. You won!! Wahoo!
  14. What’s that make the teams that lose to them?
  15. That may very well be so, but OU still has had the series lead since the 60s.
  16. True but over the last 5 games , 10, 20, 30, 40 & last 50 matchups OU has has the edge. It’s nuts, you’d have to go back to the early 60s to get to a point where texas has the lead in the series. That’s crazy sauce
  17. Riley isn’t going anywhere. The college game is so much better to coaches than in the nfl. He’s got something special brewing in Norman and they can pay just as well
  18. They’re pretenders
  19. Their aviation program sucks, they don't produce good pilots. I would know, I'm a pilot.
  20. Already better than Eli
  21. aggie might get a field goal
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