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Ultimate Failure

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Everything posted by Ultimate Failure

  1. The phrase "at the time" should never be used in relation to college football. It always refers to something irrelevant.
  2. That's a convenient rule for members of weak conferences who play a schedule full of creampuffs every year.
  3. Goalposts successfully moved into uncontested territory. I mean, I would say you are a cancer on the UT athletics program, if your words were actually listened to. Opinions vary.
  4. No. Ridiculous. By the same token, you could say it is "insane" to donate to athletics instead of academics. Clearly until all academic departments are at ideal funding levels, any money that is diverted to athletics is "cancer". Ethically, we owe it to the world to spend all our money on research that can improve lives. People are entitled to their opinion of how their money can best be spent, and to donate it with strings attached. You may disagree with their opinion, but to call them "cancer" for their choice of donation target is moronic and self-defeating.
  5. I like I said above (in a post which you ignored), a BMD may care deeply about the program's future, but think that the department needs to be streamlined. I think they have a point. (Still the only department in the entire country with two ADs, last time I checked!) To Hell with you, not them.
  6. Damn Randy, this is is a moronic take, even by your standards. The idea that people who donate millions of fucking dollars "don't care in the least about the program" is patently absurd. Certainly they disagree with you about what the priorities should be. But if they didn't care, they would spend that money on something else. Duh.
  7. That's BS. All you have to do is simultaneously hold the following two opinions, which are not in conflict: The athletic department is bloated and inefficient. It could stand to lose a lot of dead weight. Fiscal profligacy should not be encouraged/facilitated by donations. Top-tier coaching is important, and in competition for top-tier coaching talent, money talks. Success on the football field is the lifeblood of the entire athletic enterprise. Then it makes perfect sense to want to donate for a buyout, but not day-to-day operations. Even for donors who care about the program.
  8. I mean, at the end of the day, she did a shitty job: A big part of the job of a pop star is maintaining your physical appearance. It's like if a football coach has a great offense but a shitty defense. Damn right I'm going to "shame" him for it. WTF is this loser culture that seems to be enveloping our society, where did it come from?
  9. She had a great band and song writers. She and her sister were cute. The world was her oyster. Then she, regrettably, became a huge fatass.
  10. Why, though? CDC's policy is to wait until the end of the season to evaluate performance.
  11. OL recruiting disaster ⇒ overall recruiting disaster You could line up Joe Montana back there, and it wouldn't matter. If your OL sucks, your team sucks. We will get worse before we get better.
  12. This may be a stupid question, but how is this allowed? Isn't (or wasn't) there a principle that athletes shouldn't receive benefits that aren't available to the student body at large? Even if there's an exact duplicate of this that the rest of Clemson's 25,000 students can use, that's hardly equal to sharing the same facility with 100 guys and their girlfriends.
  13. Tom Herman: Look motherfucker, all this rumor-mongering about Urban Meyer is destroying our recruiting class. If you actually want me to be able to do my job, you need to stop the bleeding. CDC (to Tom Herman): I'll take care of it. CDC (to intern): Write me a press release that could be interpreted by naïve people (e.g. high school athletes) or stupid/lazy fuckers (e.g. FCB) as supporting Tom Herman, but doesn't make me a liar if any of these coaching options for next year end up panning out.
  14. Could be a simple CYA move, to distance himself from Herman. Let people know that he isn't satisfied with Herman's performance. Still trying to get a replacement behind the scenes, but hedging in case he can't get it done.
  15. "Tom Herman is our coach moving forward into the 2021 season". The meaning depends on what your definition of "is" is. Thanks, Bill Clinton.
  16. How do you explain away this quote from the article? Maybe this is some Bill Clinton-style BS; technically Herman could be fired January 2 and it'd be true.
  17. Time to make him an offer he can't refuse. Let's balance those health issues on one side of ledger with some more severe health issues on the other.
  18. By what metric? Let's be real. Looking at end-of-year rankings vs. pre-season rankings, Texas is the #1 underperformer, bar none. Similarly for recruiting rankings vs. NFL draft rankings. And WTF, faggy is your measuring stick? GTFO.
  19. The answer is right there in your question: That little word "should". All of those factors that you mentioned are nice, but they don't entitle you to a top-tier program. Maybe if we didn't sell the program to prospective coaches and recruits as "hey look at all our advantages -- come here, and you're on easy street", maybe we would be getting a different kind of coaches/recruits.
  20. People who disrespect ISU and others are stupid assholes. College football is a cooperative enterprise. It's not just Texas generating revenue out of thin air and magnanimously sharing it. Without our opponents (a.k.a. business partners) we don't have a program.
  21. You never heard what they said about you when you left the room.
  22. Lawyers are fucking slime. Just one small step above Canadians in my book.
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