Nah I don't think that right. I had a friend who used to make homemade ice. I didn't get to ever see him cooking it or nothing like that but my friend new everthing they was about ice. I remember it was really good and kept all kind of drinks cold. It kept cokes cold, it kept ice t cold, it kept RC cold, it kept koolade cold, it kept grape and orange soda cold, it kept root beer cold, it kept every kind of Shasta flaver cold, it would keep fresh lemonade and powder lemonade cold, it would keep HEB soda cold, it would even keep the Sam's cola Cole, it would keep 7up cold, it would keep RC cold, it would keep Pepsi cold, it would keep sprite cold, it would keep all kinds of likker cold, And that's about it. Hell it was so cold we would sometime put it in a cooler over our beer and I am not kidding this ice would get those cans really cold. I just wish he would have shared his recipe and how too cook it cuz if he did I woulda started an icing bidness. By now it be a household name and I prolly never never to worry about money again.