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Everything posted by Capt

  1. Ahh the ole number 3 in the morning. Don't judge till you try it.
  2. I like Rudy Bird Rub PM Chad Briscoe he sell that, egg, and scentsy.
  3. Capt

    Taco Cobana

    I forgot about this one! I wish my city had the naoch delivery truck. I can only get fry chicken for white people delivered to my house when Chad is working and Rudy is not rubbing his bird
  4. Showbiz>CEC
  5. I came here to add to this discussion but forgot what I was going to say.
  6. Capt


    Any more bourbons story Rumble????
  7. How much are you charging for the coupon?
  8. Does the CD need an HDMI or usb port?
  9. Are we evacuees or refugees from da shag?
  10. No flat screen TV
  11. I hope these quantum computers are not Windows os
  12. Capt


    Rumble is here!!!
  13. Thujone has some moves
  14. Thujone has some moves
  15. Ma'am can you help me for a quick second? Does this rag smell like chloroform? 60% of the time this works every time
  16. Capt

    Great Quotes

    If you ain't first, you're last. Reese Bobby
  17. It is real to me! I haz only computer Frenz
  18. Two words Liquid smoke
  19. Devoid Couch seems like a good choice to win this regoin
  20. This is what happens Larry
  21. Capt

    Great Quotes

    Did he tell you this over breakfast?
  22. HEB beef brisket and Oscar Meyer 100 % beef hot dogs with wolf brand (no beans) chili a splash of crystal and Valentina hot sauce on buttercrust buns Simple yet elegant
  23. Apple sucks it really really sucks! Android is better. Use it on the field!
  24. What is the proper repair for This? I don't have a large budget. Are there contractors that do this or is it a do it yourself project?
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