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Everything posted by Rhyners

  1. Hell that's not even condescending, especially when you consider the extremely condescending and insulting quote I was responding to you so conveniently left out: I basically stated my opinion on my experience that the meal was over spiced garbage, which it was, and then got insulted with that post. If you're going to come at me with that then I'll throw a little back too.
  2. Point to exactly what was condescending about what I said.
  3. If you want the best open titty pool option in Vegas find a way to hit up a weekend pool party at The Artisan's Naked Pool.
  4. Are you saying almost all white people haven't seen this or know what it is? Watched it when it came out on video way back and didn't care for it. Only my desire to finish the job kept me from bailing before the end.
  5. Just realized from looking at this story that Matthew Palmer was the son in law of my wife's old boss Susan back when we lived in Texas and she did residential real estate leasing.
  6. There's nothing sarcastic about it. You went for the worn out implied racist "you people" trope but for that to land the person you use it against has to actually say "you people". Otherwise you just sound like Biff Tannen make like a tree and get out of here level of idiocy.
  7. Nothing you quoted said "you people"
  8. Cowboys own McClain's rights so if they don't want him they would have to renounce them for him to sign elsewhere. I believe he is also suspended for a year or so whenever he does get back. If he'll take a cheap garbage prove it deal then sign him for a couple years, let him sit his suspension this year, then he's competition for when they have to start letting LBs walk because they gave an average QB top 3 money and overpaid their OL by 10s of millions over the next highest paid line.
  9. I'm sure there were multiple factors but apparently the books weren't one if them. Hard to find quality help in lower cost diner style operations but as I'm not local to the area I'm going off what I've been told over a couple of years time. You do seem downright angry about this though. That's confusing, as if you have a personal stake in Momofuku or something.
  10. If you charge soup Nazi prices and deliver McDonalds execution there's a problem.
  11. Everyone has different tastes but I'm not even judging by that. The dishes we tried were sloppy and lazily made. I can recognize quality and craftmanship in dishes I personally don't like because they aren't in my range of personal tastes. I've tasted some dishes (and made plenty) that I personally don't enjoy because they're food that I don't like to eat but are great dishes to people who enjoy that particular type of food. I would never disparage someone's dish that falls into that category. Again, it's not like Chang himself was making these dishes. Almost certainly he wasn't overseeing the kitchen. I don't take the bad experience as a reflection on his abilities as a chef, but instead possibly on his ability to establish quality management of a restaurant that has his name associated with it. Even that is a slippery slope upon which to criticize because it's very difficult to find quality help in the industry these days and it's getting even worse by the year. A friend of mine just shut down a very good restaurant he opened in Dallas by Love Field not because of lack of patronage but simply because of lack of quality workers. He could not establish a crew to keep his standards of quality so he shuttered the doors.
  12. I guess you aren't familiar with the layout of the Vegas Chinatown that I enjoyed far more. Not exactly fancy pants city but solid work done there.
  13. Sometimes the crowd doesn't recognize quality and gets worked up in hype. Another example from my trip was a place called Pizza Rock. Heard from several people, including some very accomplished in the restaurant industry, that it came highly recommended and even came close to touching some NYC elite pies. It ended up being decent but to be honest I've had several small pizza joints in Austin/Houston/San Antonio/Metroplex that blow it away, and those don't come close to the best of the NYC pies. I think Vegas is especially susceptible to this as people are not only inundated with hype but are usually inebriated to some extent so judgement gets skewed.
  14. I've never eaten at another Chang restaurant but usually what happens with these celebrity chef places is it will be awesome when it first opens and the chef is putting a lot of time and effort into the launch*. Then after the buzz dies down the restaurant settles and in some cases is turned over to a very quality and capable executive chef who maintains the quality level. Other times it's turned over to a lesser quality chef and the restaurant quality decreases. I'm guessing the latter is what's happening with Momofuku. It wasn't inedible, but for the price charged it's downright embarrassing. It appeared very little care was given to the simplest of basics like seasoning/spice level and profile and even serving temperature. I'd understand more if it was slammed but there were about 8 people dining when we ate there and we were a party of 2. I'd be embarrassed to put my name on those dishes even at a $15 a plate price level. Afterwards we turned our attention to Chinatown and had some very quality meals for less than half the price. I don't mind paying strip prices if the quality is up to par but dishes in Chinatown at a third of the price or less should not be absolutely blowing away these expensive strip meals. * I'm guessing the exception is Ramsey who seems to be willing to put his name on every single restaurant that he possibly can in Vegas. No way is he overseeing all these launches.
  15. Yes, did it in 2015. Only service I get from traditional providers is broadband internet. Check your PMs
  16. He finished with a home run though. That story he's telling Dan and the old grey wolf about sitting with Willie Mays then visiting his house, and Willie hating Louisville Sluggers and only using them for televised games was one of the better stories on the ticket in years. Pure baseball nostalgia
  17. Well that's a stupid thing to say to a professional chef. But hey, if you want cold horribly spiced garbage for premium prices to make yourself feel special like a little princess then you be you.
  18. The chandelier bar here is awesome though. The Verbena with the Chinese buzz flower is a drink everyone has to try once if you're here.
  19. At the Cosmo now. Great hotel but Momofuku might be the worst meal I've ever had. Over $60 for two bowls of cold ridiculously spiced garbage. Is this place in business by continuously ripping off new visitors?
  20. What the hell is this equal pay bullshit these women are complaining about? The women's world cup pays a way higher percentage of esrnings to the players than the men's world cup does. Women's world cup pays about 20 percent while the men's word cup pays around 6-7 percent. The men make way more money from their professional leagues because billions of people the world over want to pay a ton of money to watch the club teams. Almost no one wants to pay a penny to watch women in any sporting event other than the world cup and Olympics. If anything the men should be complaining they should be getting 20 percent equal pay of the almost 7 billion US dollars their world cup generates.
  21. It's scored by round. 5 rounds total. Santos clearly won the 1,2, and 5th rounds. Jones did next to nothing in those rounds and did almost all of his damage in the 3 and 4th rounds. A few of his shots were flush but overall Santos landed more flush shots. Some of Jones' shots were glancing at best and Santos fell a few times simply because his knee was unstable. Go back and watch the 1,2, and 5th rounds individually and explain how a single one of those 3 could have been for Jones. I did it twice last night on catch up replay and Jones wasn't really close in any of those rounds. Since neither fighter came close to a 10-8 round that makes it clearly 48-47 Santos. The judges might be picked by the commission but they know how powerful the promotion is in getting them work and if they want to keep getting work then giving a judgement against the golden boy who the promotion will actually relocate an event venue last second for would be a bad thing for their future. Just like boxing. It's corrupt.
  22. Sometimes corruption keeps a man from receiving the victory he earned. Doesn't mean he didn't earn it though. Would be nice if there could be a 100 percent unbiased and uncorrupted promotion but that will never happen in any sport ever. Humans are just too corrupt and deceitful by nature.
  23. It won't happen but what I want to see is a Masvidal Askren rematch. That was such a one off kind of fluke chance shot that Askren stupidly walked right into. That one should definitely be done again. I do t get all the Askren hate. He talks shit but he does it in a funnier way and avoids the race/religion/sexual orientation ignorant garbage that others like Conor, Sonnen, and that idiot Covington resort to in order to sell themselves.
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