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  1. What are the docs saying? Still having problems with infection?
  2. Yeah, I had a girlfriend in Ostrava for 6mo who didn't speak any english. Not much to fight about.
  3. I know I'm an outlier but I put dogs in the same camp. I was kind of against the cigarette laws as I thought people should be able to do what they want as long as I don't have to pay for their dangerous and nasty habits. The problem was that when I would go to bars in college, I would have to play basketball for hours to get all the congestion out of my chest. Once the cigarette laws passed, I was so much happier not being sick or having to shower after going out to dinner or to bars. So, now I can go to dinner and eat outside and not have to deal with smoking. However, now dogs are at all places with outdoor seating. They bark, they smell, I'm slightly allergic to them and personally, I think it is unsanitary to eat near them. I especially have a problem with it when it is a nice dining place -like sushi, for example. And it is getting more common, not less. I see dogs inside pizza joints and cafes and other low level dining experiences. I don't think there are that many people who feel like me, but I would rather eat at home than to go to a restaurant that allows dogs inside.
  4. I liked living in Budapest better. But, there was more to see in Prague.
  5. I'm worse than you. I'll have one drink and it will screw up my sleep so I'm tired all the next day. Not hung over just tired.
  6. No clue, but I would guess that his draft grade will be very low because he is so undersized. He won't benefit from another year in college, but college money is guaranteed.
  7. Has a good strong side frame. Don't know anything about him, though.
  8. Alcohol is an irritant and it facilitates the transfer of chemicals through cells. So you have a 10X higher chance of head and neck cancer if you smoke and drink at the same time. Then we all know what alcohol does to the liver so that one is well known. The digestive tract stuff is probably related to it being an irritant and probably increased acid from the stomach. It wouldn’t surprise me in those cases if there is a direct correlation between the amount and frequency of alcohol and risk. So casual 1-2 drinks per week would have very low risk for digestive tract cancers.
  9. Listen, tell your mother fucking kid that anything within 45 yards is a gimme and get him to improve his range a ton. Beat him if you have to. We are all counting on you to make him the next Justin Tucker.
  10. Can someone let me in on this Amy Grant stuff? I don’t listen to Christian music because I’m not Christian and I think it sucks but I know of her because she grew up in Nashville and went to Harpeth Hall and Harpeth Hall is the same school that my Texas roommate’s sister went to. It is a private all girls school in Bell Meade. Anyway, I don’t know her background story that you guys are referring to.
  11. My wife loved when I gave her a vacuum cleaner for our anniversary. She has 20 now.
  12. QE wouldn't have lasted a quarter if he had to play under ASU's offensive line.
  13. And easy calls Lukashenko, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Dick Van Dyke, Francis Ford Coppola, Mel Brooks, Julie Andrews, Frederick Wiseman, Toshio Masuda, King Charles
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