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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. We are just so much more talented. We need good Sark
  2. Sark cannot run the ball in the first half
  3. Don’t fuck up on special teams and then run the fucking ball
  4. Nice series - next time run the fucking ball until they stop it
  5. I wish we would commit to the run with this team instead of using it to set up the pass
  6. Watch us fucking pass it on the first play - Int - errant throw Ewers
  7. Just a terrible job of coaching - let them feel like they have a chance. Fuck you Banks
  8. Sandy Koufax Tom Arnold Ron Jeremy Emeril Lagasse Ed Jones Mongo Bill Clinton Brittany Spears Gucci Mane Dennis Rodman
  9. Missed it by that much.
  10. That's a pretty good list -especially the middle part - but I'm not sure how many points you will get. Charlie sheen Mel Brooks Gene hackman Clinton Eastwood Joe Morgan Sandy koufax Mongo Those 7 plus throw in some outliers like Tom Arnold, Ron Jeremy, Emeril Lagasse, and Ed Jones and I think you are on to something.
  11. OK, y'all are right - too many mixed metaphors and stuff. What I'm trying to say is that I am happy for Ewers - I imagine him insanely rich with some hot young co-ed that he knocked up, talking about his glory days.
  12. I don't know much about Miami coeds or Ewers professional prospects, but I'm rooting for him. I imagine him as some sort of young Al Bundy alter ego, going to USC or Miami, knocking up a young Christina Applegate, with a rugrat crawling on his mansion floor in Malibu/South Beach. And that's awesome.
  13. We definitely have to watch out for China. There are 40,000 Chinese restaurants in the US—more than all of the McDonald's, Burger Kings, Wendy's, and Kentucky Fried Chickens combined.
  14. Could have been a pizza delivery driver. or a DL recruiter like Helobious, if you are in to that sort of thing
  15. Ewers is going to retire in his early 20s as a multimillionaire without a profession.
  16. What injuries has he had?
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