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Everything posted by Bevo

  1. Is there some sort of sweetheart deal where we offer Poland great prices and they ship their surplus to Ukraine?
  2. Yeah, I can't make heads or tails of that thing.
  3. Blackshire looks like a DE in this pic.
  4. Gavin Holmes looks pretty big.
  5. Then what is the move where you leave your cell phone on the shuttle bus?
  6. I hope he stays. Also, looks like the cake is baked.
  7. Well, plus their girlfriends live in Austin.
  8. one in 250K bears could fatally attack someone, whereas one in 16K humans will commit murder
  9. It's possible when the majority of Hamas has been eliminated. However, those kind of operations are extremely dangerous - as in the enemy has many advantages so it is likely more of your forces are killed and injured than enemy forces. So expecting Israel to have operated in this manned from the beginning is asking more than what any other country would do. We generally would just leave those guys alone or target them later. Rarely and I can't think of an instance where we alone had to eliminate so many combatants in the middle of large groups of non-combatants. In Vietnam, we had issues with asymmetric warfare.
  10. I seriously doubt it. Going into a hospital and targeting individuals while ignoring non-combatants works well in video games, though.
  11. This is interesting since we don't want the IDF to target hospitals. That is quite a dilemma.
  12. So, here is an article on Alabama bust rates: https://www.rollbamaroll.com/2023/7/11/23789325/alabama-hasnt-won-a-national-championship-since-2020-are-recruiting-busts-to-blame : The article doesn't matter much but its point was that lower bust rates meant more championships. Well, Saban always recruited well but at times he took guys who were highly rated by the magazines but we as fans had questions about for one reason or another. I assume that the Bama staff had questions as well but they didn't get all the guys that they wanted. The point is that Alabama didn't develop players better some years than others. Instead, I would say that they recruited better players some years over other years.
  13. This is true in most political discussions. We have a system where the moderates are split between two parties and the extremes end up being the majority - So most elected officials are extreme. But in most cases you are political and have strong opinions. Why in this case do you say it is pointless? It seems to me that a solution is possible here because neither party has to worry about voting blocks.
  14. My only comments on the first paragraph are that I am well aware of the law but we are talking about Austin - so I have zero confidence that a trial will take place. And I have zero confidence that he would do much time behind bars if a trial were to take place. And if he were forced to take medications in prison then he would be fine in prison and wouldn't appear to be a danger to society. The second paragraph didn't answer my concerns. A person on medication isn't dangerously insane. And we as a society aren't willing to put people in mental facilities for life if they don't want to be in one. So if a person is on the street taking their medication, society isn't at risk. As soon as an insane person gets off his medication then he is at risk. Unfortunately, insane people don't generally stay on their medications when they are away from people making them take their medications. So basically they are always at risk to society. How as a society do we address this basic flaw, a two strike rule, a three strike rule...? Don't just say that the problem is due to how we deal with mental health? Come up with a way to deal with it. Just saying allow the insane free psychology sessions or putting them in institutions for life without fully thinking out how that would work doesn't do any good.
  15. The powder blue is the most important aspect, anyway. Just use powder blue with another color.
  16. I don't get this, but I'm not sure that I have the answer. Generally, mental health patients don't like taking their medications for life. So, they aren't a risk to society when they are on their medications but are a risk when they are off of them. They just stated that the guy who took a machete to a jogger here in Austin is incompetent to stand trial. Knowing Austin, he probably will never stand trial. That might be okay if he stays on medication but the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. A mental health facility would work but keeping someone in a mental health facility for life when he is "okay" on medication isn't appropriate in today's society.
  17. Those things are all over the place, Yosemite, Washington state, Telluride... New Mexico even has one and they don't even have water.
  18. He plays corner for his HS but he hits like a safety on his HUDL. Doesn't seem to have great speed but good speed - looks like a safety in college to me.
  19. Man, Byron Washington again. I so dislike his HUDL.
  20. Greek Amazons weren't from the Amazon. Their kingdom was in Pontus in northern Anatolia, on the southern shores of the Black Sea - For those keeping score, that is in Turkey. So Gal Gadot was from Turkey not the Western Hemisphere.
  21. I think he still has knee issues anyway.
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